Guruku SBO TV membantu siswa Sekolah Dasar di Surabaya agar lebih memahami materi secara langsung dengan melihat tayangan yang menjadi perantara antara guru dan Dispendik Kota Surabaya dengan siswa. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerimaan pesan guru SD terhadap program Guruku SBO TV. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan metode analisis resepsi audiens. Penelitian menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan jika ada dua kategori audiens dalam penerimaan pesan Guruku SBO TV yaitu audiens dominan sebanyak 2 informan dan audiens negosiasi ada 6 informan. Poin penerimaan pesan pada posisi dominan ada 5 dan ada 3 poin penerimaan pesan pada posisi negosiasi. 4 poin yang disepakati informan antara lain; 1) penyaji Guruku sudah bagus atau baik, 2) memenuhi kebutuhan akses belajar pendidikan tingkat SD selama pandemi di Surabaya, 3) mudah diakses, 4) berdoa sebagai nilai religius dan bernyanyi sebagai apersepsi. Guruku bagus dan menarik serta memiliki kontribusi terhadap penyampaian materi yang terkendala karena sekolah daring. Penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu kajian untuk penelitian lain tentang siaran televisi pendidikan kerjasama Departemen pendidikan nasional terutama selama masa pandemi.
Kata kunci: fungsi mendidik dari media massa, analisis resepsi, televisi lokal, Guruku SBO TV, pandemi
Guruku SBO TV helps elementary school students in Surabaya to better understand the material directly by watching shows that act as an intermediary between teachers and the Surabaya City Dispendik and students. This study aims to find out how the reception of elementary school teachers' messages to the Guruku SBO TV program. This type of research is a qualitative research with an audience reception analysis method approach. The research uses constructivism paradigm. Data collection was done by interview and observation. The results of the study show that there are two categories of audiences in receiving Guruku SBO TV messages, namely the dominant audience of 2 informants and the negotiating audience of 6 informants. There are 5 message reception points in the dominant position and there are 3 message reception points in the negotiating position. 4 points agreed upon by the informants, e.g., 1) The Guruku's presenter is good, 2) fulfills the need for access to elementary education during the pandemic in Surabaya, 3) is easily accessible, 4) prays as a religious value and sings as an apperception. Guruku is good and interesting and has a contribution to the delivery of material which is constrained because the school is online. This research can be used as a study for other research on educational television broadcasts in collaboration with the Ministry of National Education, especially during the pandemic.
Keywords: educational function of mass media, reception analysis, local television, Guruku SBO TV, pandemic