Development of Textbooks for Automation
of Employee Governance Based on a Contextual Approach in Class XI Automation
and Office Management in Mojoagung Vocational High Schools
Student : Endah Dwi
Number : 15080314024
Program : Bachelor’s – Education Office Administration
Economic Educational
of : Economic
: State
University of Surabaya
: Meylia
Elizabeth Ranu, S.Pd., M.S.M.
This development research aims to find
out the development of staffing management automation textbooks based on a
contextual approach in class XI Automation and Office Management in Mojoagung
Vocational High School, to find out the feasibility and response of students to
textbooks that researchers have developed. The development model used in this
development research is referring to the 4D development model of Thiagarajan in
the form of four stages of development, namely the defining phase, the design
phase, the development stage and the deployment stage. However, the deployment
stage was not carried out because the deployment stage was carried out after
the experimental process was carried out. This research was conducted on 20
students of class XI Automation and Office Management 1 at Mojoagung State
Vocational School.
The results of the validation show that the feasibility
component of the content of the textbook is 88.1%, the feasibility of
presentation is 91.1%, the feasibility of language is 85.7% and the feasibility
of graphics is 94.0%. The total overall feasibility of textbooks is 89.73% with
very strong criteria. The trials conducted on students showed the results of
the average textbook development score of 92.31% with very strong criteria.
This study can be concluded that in the development of the
Automation Management Staffing textbook based on a contextual approach for
students of class XI Automation and Office Management in Mojoagung Vocational
High School, it was declared feasible to be used as teaching material.
Suggestions for future researchers can develop better textbooks and can adjust
existing needs.
Development of Textbooks, Contextual Approach, Staff Automation of Employee
Governance, 4D.