Persuasi merupakan sebuah tindakan berupa bujukan atau ajakan dengan maksud memengaruhi atau mengarahkan lawan tutur untuk bertindak sesuai dengan keinginan penutur. Persuasi dapat ditemui pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Negosiasi di pasar, khotbah umat muslim di hari Jum’at, atau pidato Presiden merupakan contoh persuasi yang dapat ditemui pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji persuasi dalam wacana scene kaum sadomasokis pada forum kaskus. Adapun fokus pada penelitian ini yaitu, (1) unsur persuasi, (2) taktik persuasi, (3) bentuk persuasi, (4) fungsi persuasi dalam wacana scene kaum sadomasokis. Berdasarkan fokus tersebut, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan (1) unsur persuasi, (2) taktik persuasi, (3) bentuk persuasi, (4) fungsi persuasi dalam wacana scene kaum sadomasokis. Penelitian ini berjenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini berasal dari kaum sadomasokis pada dua thread kaskus berbeda. Adapun data yang dianalisis ialah ujaran atau tuturan kata yang mengandung persuasi wacana scene pada dua thread berbeda yang menggunakan metode dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik pilah unsur tertentu (PUL) dan dilanjutkan dengan teknik hubung banding menyamakan hal pokok. Melalui hasil penelitian, data yang ditemukan (1) unsur persuasi yang berupa tiga jenis unsur, yaitu (a) unsur watak dan kredibilitas, (b) unsur kemampuan mengendalikan emosi, (c) unsur bukti-bukti. (2) taktik persuasi berupa, (a) icing device dan (b) pay-off idea. (3) bentuk persuasi berupa, (a) bentuk direktif, (b) bentuk ekspresif, (c) bentuk representatif, dan (d) bentuk komisif. (4) fungsi persuasi berupa fungsi untuk menggerakkan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu.
Kata Kunci: persuasi, sadomasokis, wacana scene.
Persuasion is an act of inducement or invitation with the intention of influencing or directing the interlocutor to act according to the speaker's wishes. Persuasion can be found in everyday life. Negotiations in the market, Moslem’s sermons on Friday, or the President's speech are examples of persuasion that can be found in everyday life. This research will examine the persuasion in the discourse scene of the sadomasochistic people in the Kaskus’s forum. The focus of this research is (1) elements of persuasion, (2) tactics of persuasion, (3) forms of persuasion, (4) the function of persuasion in the discourse scene of the sadomasochist. Based on this focus, the purpose of this study was to find (1) elements of persuasion, (2) persuasion tactics, (3) forms of persuasion, (4) the function of persuasion in the discourse scene of sadomasochists. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The data source of this research came from sadomasochists in two different cascus threads. The data analyzed were utterances or speech which contained the discourse persuasion of the scene in two different threads using the documentation method. Data analysis was carried out by using certain element sorting techniques (PUL) and continued with the comparative link technique to equalize the main points. Through the research results, the data found were (1) elements of persuasion in the form of three types of elements, namely (a) elements of character and credibility, (b) elements of the ability to control emotions, (c) elements of evidence. (2) persuasion tactics in the form of (a) icing devices and (b) pay-off ideas. (3) the form of persuasion in the form of, (a) directive form, (b) expressive form, (c) representative form, and (d) commissive form. (4) persuasion function in the form of a function to move someone to do something.
Keywords: persuasion, sadomasochist, discourse scene.