Manifestasi Bloom’s Taxonomy di dalam tes item oleh by the EFL Lecturers yang tidak mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan kependidikan bahasa Inggris
Manifestation of the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy in test items formulated by the EFL Lecturers with non-English Education Background
Salah satu tantangan dosen EFL di era 4.0 adalah merancang penilaian yang mampu mendorong mahasiswa untuk berpikir kreatif dan kritis. Taksonomi Bloom yang telah direvisi memberikan pedoman bagi dosen untuk mengembangkan penilaian yang membantu mahasiswa meningkatkan kompetensi mereka untuk berpikir kritis dan kreatif. Kajian ini menggambarkan secara rinci manifestasi taksonomi Bloom yang telah direvisi dalam butir-butir soal UAS tertulis yang dirumuskan oleh para dosen EFL. Penelitian ini tidak hanya memasukkan butir-butir tes ke dalam taksonomi Bloom yang telah direvisi tetapi juga mengkategorikannya ke dalam subkategori dalam taksonomi tersebut. Kemudian, masing-masing butir tes yang dikategorikan dijelaskan berdasarkan rincian penyajian taksonomi Bloom yang telah direvisi. Seratus enam puluh butir soal dalam tiga puluh soal bahasa tulis yang dirumuskan oleh empat dosen EFL perguruan tinggi swasta dan negeri di Jawa dianalisis berdasarkan taksonomi. Menggunakan analisis isi, item tes yang dikumpulkan dikategorikan dan diperiksa berdasarkan tingkat kognitif Taksonomi Bloom Revisi. Temuan menunjukkan tingkat dominasi yang menakjubkan dalam penggunaan tingkat kognitif mengingat dalam seratus lima item tes atas keterampilan berpikir rendah yang lain; pemahaman dengan dua puluh tiga item tes dan menerapkan dengan empat item tes, sementara menganalisis level dengan lima item tes, mengevaluasi dengan empat item tes, dan membuat level dengan sembilan item tes.
One of the challenges for EFL lecturers in the 4.0 era is designing an assessment which able to drive students to think creatively and critically. The revised Bloom’s taxonomy provides lecturers a guideline for developing an assessment that help students to enhance their competency to think critically and creatively. This study pictures in detail the manifestation of the revised Bloom taxonomy in test items of written Mid and Final examinations formulated by the EFL lecturers. This study not only puts the test items into the revised Bloom taxonomy but also categorizes them into subcategories in the taxonomy. Then, each test item categorized is explained based on the details presentation of the revised Bloom taxonomy.
One hundred and sixty test items in thirty written language tests formulated by four EFL lecturers of private and state universities in Java were analyzed based on the taxonomy. Using content analysis, the collected item tests were categorized and examined based on the cognitive level of the Revised Bloom Taxonomy.
The findings show an astonishing degree of dominance in the use of remembering cognitive level in one hundred and five test items over the other’ lower thinking skills; understanding with twenty-three test items and applying with four test items, while analyzing level with five test items, evaluating with four test items, and creating level with nine test items. In particular, the used recalling subcategory is higher than in the test of remembering which means that it is notable that three out of the four EFL lecturers maximized the use of assessment of low and high cuing and embedding and utilized in a minimal manner the use of "imperative questions" in order to help students remember test the lecturers. While the manifestation of test items of understanding that the EFL lecturers accomplished or covered some cognitive process criteria, such as converting form: words to words, pictures to words, numbers to words, and words to words; finding specific examples or data of general concepts or principles; finding general concepts or principles of specific examples or data; and abstracting a general theme or summa. For the test of applying students are required to learn how to apply for executing and implementing materials to complete particular projects or solve an issue, then follow a few specific steps. The test of analyzing test demand students to manifest a higher level of critical thinking through a series of behaviors that need more than just recalling knowledge to see on how the material's component elements relate to one another and to its broader structure or purpose. The in test of evaluating students are command to examine strategic options or plans in terms of efficiency, assess sustainability, do SWOT analysis in respect to alternatives, and estimate the consequences of a strategy or plan, these exercises encourage students to conduct extensive evaluations with recommendations and arguments. In the test of creating the EFL lecturers maximize the creativity of students to build new things by using old ideas to create new ones, generalizing from given facts, relating knowledge from several areas, predicting, drawing and making a conclusion.
Finally, two main issues underlying the conclusion of the study are the tendency to put test of remembering at the top of the list and pay extra attention to them and the phenomena of the revised Bloom taxonomy's "cognitive level" being employed in a particular the lecturer course gives rise to the hypothesis that the taxonomy appears to categorize which the lecturer course belongs to the cognitive levels. The current study addresses the disparity between the use of LOTs and HOTs, thus it indicates that Bloom taxonomy was not distributed well in the language tests. Such as to unequal distribution, the written formal language tests seem to be unsuccessful to lead the learners to think in higher-level thinking. Finally, the research offers several recommendations for both lecturers, faculty, and institutions to take some workshops or training regarding enhancing EFL lecturers’ competence to design language tests