Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan LKPD yang layak berdasarkan aspek validitas, aspek kepraktisan yang meliputi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dan angket respon peserta didik dan aspek keefektifan yang meliputi hasil tes keterampilan komunikasi tertulis dan pengamatan keterampilan komunikasi lisan peserta didik. Jenis penelitian ini mengacu pada penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development) dan menggunakan rancangan penelitian One-Group Pre-Test Post-Test Design. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh kelayakan berdasarkan aspek validitas dan analisis hasil telaah, analisis validasi dengan nilai modus sebesar 4 dengan kriteria sangat baik atau sangat layak. Kelayakan berdasar kepraktisan, dari hasil keterlaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan LKPD mendapatkan nilai modus sebesar 4 pada rata-rata setiap aspek secara keseluruhan dengan kategori sangat baik atau sangat layak. Analisis angket respon peserta didik dengan persentase sebesar 95% kategori sangat layak. Kelayakan berdasar keefektifan dari analisis keterampilan komunikasi tertulis peserta didik dilihat dari analisis N-gain didapatkan rata-rata peningkatan nilai N-gain sebesar 0,7 dengan kategori tinggi dengan nilai rata-rata keseluruhan 81%, hasil pengamatan keterampilan komunikasi lisan peserta didik 78% dengan kategori baik.
This development research aims to produce appropriate student worksheet based on the aspects of validity, practical aspects which include the implementation of learning and questionnaire responses of students and aspects of effectiveness which includes the results of tests of written communication skills and observation of students' oral communication skills. This type of research refers to R&D (Research and Development) and uses the One-Group Pre-Test Design Post-Test Design. The results of this study obtained feasibility based on aspects of validity and analysis of the results of the study, validation analysis with a mode value of 4 with the criteria of very good or very feasible. The feasibility of the practical aspects of the implementation of the student worksheet obtained a mode score of 4 on average for each aspect with a very good or very decent category. The questionnaire response analysis of students with a percentage of 95% is very feasible. Feasibility based on the effectiveness of the analysis of students' written communication skills seen from the N-gain analysis obtained an average increase in N-gain value of 0.7 with a high category with an overall average value of 81%, the results of observations of oral communication skills of 78% of students in good category.