Pengembangan Aplikasi Musik Panting Berbasis Website untuk Pengenalan Budaya Lokal Banjar
Development of a Website Based Panting Music Application for Introduction to Banjar Local Culture
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan aplikasi musik panting berbasis website, (2) Mendeskripsikan kualitas aplikasi musik panting berbasis website berdasarkan kelayakan materi dan media, (3) Mendeskripsikan kepraktisan aplikasi musik panting berbasis website berdasarkan angket respon.
Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model ADDIE. Subjek penelitian berupa data primer yang didapatkan dari narasumber, validator materi, validator media, serta responden berupa remaja usia 15-18 tahun setara SMA. Teknik Pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan angket dengan menggunakan analisis data kualitatif dan analisis data kuantitatif.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) proses pengembangan aplikasi dilakukan dengan lima tahap, (a) tahap analisis (Analysis) terdiri atas analisis kebutuhan dan awal akhir, (b) tahap perancangan (Design) terdiri atas penetapan materi, pemilihan media, rancangan awal, (c) tahap pengembangan (Development) terdiri atas pra produksi dan produksi, (d) tahap implementasi (Implementation), (e) tahap evaluasi (Evaluation). Penilaian uji kelayakan materi dan media menggunakan skala likert rentang klasifikasi menurut Widoyoko, diperoleh rata-rata skor 4,16 dan 4,15 tergolong dalam kategori layak diujicobakan. Penilaian kepraktisan aplikasi berdasarkan angket respon menggunakan skala likert rentang klasifikasi menurut Widoyoko, diperoleh skor rata-rata 4,05 tergolong dalam kategori praktis.
Simpulan penelitian ini adalah musik panting berbasis website dibuat dengan tahapan penelitian pengembangan, telah lolos uji kelayakan oleh validator materi dan validator media dengan klasifikasi layak diujicobakan dengan syarat revisi dan mendapat nilai kepraktisan kategori praktis oleh responden.
Kata - kata Kunci: pengembangan, aplikasi musik panting, budaya lokal banjar
This conducted research had a purpose to: (1) to describe the process of developing application of panting music with the basic of a website, (2) to describe the application quality of panting music that consist of feasibility of material and media, (3) to describe the practical application of music panting based of website using questionarie and response.
This development research are using ADDIE model. The subject of this research consist of primary data that can be acquired from sources, media validator and the respondence which is teenager that consist of 15-18 years old. The collecting data technique is interview, observation and questionarie that used analysis qualitative data and also analysis quantitative data.
The result of this research are (1) the proccess of development application are done with 5 steps, (a) analys proccess that consist of analysis the begining and the end of the application, (b) design that consist of choosing the best material, media and the first model of the website, (c) the developing stage that consist of pre-production and production, (d) implementation, (e) evaluation. The feasibility test of the materi and media are using likert scale classification according to Widoyoko, the average score are 4.16 and 4.15 both of the score classified into testable category. The assesment of the practicality application based on questionarie and response using likert scale with range classification based by Widiyoko, obtained the average score 4.05 that fall into practical category.
The conclusion of this research is the music panting application that based on website are made with research development stage that qualified by the material validatior and media validator with classification of testable with revision and obtained the practical score category by respondent.
Keywords: development, Panting music application, local Banjar culture