Rizqiyah . 2020. Reducing
Misconceptions in Chemical Equilibrium with the Process Oriented Guided Inquiry
Leaning (POGIL) in XI Science. Thesis. Science Education Study Program,
Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Advisor: (1) Prof. Dr. Leny Yuanita, M. Kes ., and (I I ): Prof. Dr. Suyatno , M.S i .
Keyword: Misconceptions, POGIL, Chemical
Equilibrium, Three Tier.
study aims to reduce the misconceptions of Class XII Science Students on
chemical equilibrium with the Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL).
The research design used the pretest and posttest desaign research. The
prestest was used to identify the profile of students initial conception and
after the implementation and after the implementation of POGIL leraning model
to determine the reduction of studentt misconceptions using posttest. The
research subjects were students of class XI IPA at SMA Al-Furqon Driyorejo for
the 2019-2020 academic year and the time of the research was carried out in the
double semester of the 2019-2020. The research variables consisted og students
conception profiles, student concept mapping, learning outcomes, student
reponses, implementation of the POGIL learning model, and retention. The
instruments used in this study were: 1) the validation sheet of the learning
device; 2) observation; 3) test; and 4)
student reponse questionnaires. Data analysis techniques are in the form
of conception profile analysis, analysis of changes in student conceptions,
analysis of concept mapping, analysis of students learning outcomes, analysis
of syntax implementation of the POGIL learning model, analysis of student
activity observations, students respone questionnaire analysis, and retention
analysis og students conceptual understanding. The instrumen used will be
validated by two experts in the field of learning tools in chemistry education.
In this study, the learning tools that will be validated include: syllabus,
lesson plain (RPP), worksheets (LKS), concept understanding tests, and student
response questionnaires.
result of the validation of the syllabus showed score 85,41 in the very high
category. The results of the validation of the worksheets for the content anda
langguage aspects of the worksheets obtained scores of 83,3 and 75 respectively
in the high category. Then the results of validation of the concept
understanding test showed that: 1) the indicator of the questions with the
sub-leaning material obtained score of 87,5 in the very high category; 2) the
indicator of the suitability of the questions with the indicators of the
questions obtained score of 87,5 in the very high category; 3) the indicator of
the suitability of the questions with the distribution of conceptual
undestanding based on the cognitive domain obtained a score 87,5 in the very
high category; 4) the question indicator reflects the concept to be tested
obtaining score 87,5 in the very high category; 5) the indicator of the
correctness of the concept in the questions obtained a score 87 in the very
high category; 6) the sentence structure indicator for the communicative
questions scores 87,5 in the very high category; 7) the sentence indicator
using good and correct langguage gets a score 87 in the very high category; 8)
the sentence structure indicator does not cause multiple interpretations or misundertandings,
obtain score 87 in the very high category. Student reponse questionnaires that
have been validated experts get score 85,9 with a very high category. Based on
the description, the validation results show that the validated instruments and
devices are suitable for uses because they have a value above the predetermined
eligibility category.