Chiffon Cake memilikiabahanautamaatepung terigu, pada penelitian ini ditambahkanbdengan tepungbkelor dan 2 jenis lemak yaitu butter dan minyak goreng. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) pengaruh penambahan tepung kelor dan jenis lemak terhadap sifat organoleptik chiffon cake 2)kandungan zatngizimmeliputinkarbohidrat,protein,mlemak,mVitamin A, B, C, kalsium, serat chiffon cake 3) harga jual chiffon cake produk terpilih. Jenis Penelitian ini adalahmeksperimen,bdengan desainaduamfaktor dengan tiga level, yaituafaktor A, 3 perlakuan penambahan kelor sebanyak 5%, 7,5%, 10% yangndiambilmdarizpersen tepung terigu, dan faktor B adalah jenis lemak (butter dan minyak goreng). Data diambil dengan menggunakan lembar observasi dengan uji organoleptik, yang dilakukan pada 30 panelis. Analisis data hasil uji organleptik menggunakan anava ganda, analisis gizi menggunakan nutri survey, dan perhitungan harga jual menggunaan food cost persen. Hasil penelitian didapatkan yaitu: 1) Penambahan tepung kelor dan jenis lemak berpengaruh terhadap hasil jadi chiffon cake yang meliputi bentuk, warna,aroma, dan rasa chiffon cake, tetapi interaksi antara keduanya tidak berpengaruh terhadap aroma; 2) Nilai kandungan gizi dari produk terbaik hasil uji organleptik yang terdapat pada chiffon cake yaitu protein18,12 gram, serat 13,48 gram, karbohidrat 39,77 gram, lemak 19,75 gram, Vitamin A 1,29 IU, Vitamin B 0,029 mg, Vitamin C 0,29 mg yang didapat dari perlakuan penambahan tepung kelor sebanyak 5% dan penggunaan jenis lemak minyak goreng ; 3) harga jual chiffon cake produk terpilih yaitu Rp. 4.483,-.per potong dengan berat 30 gram
Chiffon Cake has the main ingredients of wheat flour. In this study, it was added with cocoa flour and 2 types of fat, namely butter and cooking oil. The research aims to determine: 1) the effect of adding Moringa flour and the type of fat on the organoleptic properties of the chiffon cake 2) the nutritional content including carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamin A, B, C, calcium, chiffon cake fiber 3) selling price of chiffon cake for selected products. This type of research is an experiment, with a three-level multi-factor design, namely two factor A, 3 treatment of adding 5%, 7.5%, 10% moringa which is taken from the percent of wheat flour, and the B factor is the type of fat (butter and cooking oil). Data were collected using observation sheets with organoleptic tests, which were conducted on 30 panelists. Organleptic test data analysis used multiple ANOVA, nutritional analysis using nutrient surveys, and calculation of selling price using food cost percent. The results obtained were: 1) The addition of Moringa flour and the type of fat had an effect on the finished chiffon cake which included the shape, color, aroma and taste of the chiffon cake, but the interaction between the two had no effect on the aroma; 2) The nutritional value of the best product from the organleptic test results contained in the chiffon cake, namely protein 18.12 grams, fiber 13.48 grams, carbohydrates 39.77 grams, fat 19.75 grams, Vitamin A 1.29 IU, Vitamin B 0.029 mg, Vitamin C 0.29 mg obtained from the addition of 5% Moringa flour and the use of cooking oil fats; 3) The selling price of the chiffon cake is Rp. 4,483, -. Per piece weighing 30 grams