Many senior high school students’ are not able to
comprehend the English text in detail. It is because English is as foreign
language in Indonesia so they are not accustomed having deep comprehension of
it. In addition, based on curriculum 2013, the students’ are expected to have
critical thinking and become independent learner in learning process. Here, the
teacher needs a technique to make the students’ enjoy in reading English text.
Teaching-learning process can be effective if there is a discussion that
involves some students so they can share their knowledge to know new
information. The discussion through some stages such as predicting,
questioning, clarifying, and summarizing called as reciprocal teaching accidentally
encourage the students to think critically during reading process and influence
their comprehension of the text.
There are several purposes of this study. 1)
Describing the teacher steps in using reciprocal teaching to promote students’
critical thinking in comprehending the text in the class. 2) Describing the
students’ reading comprehension of narrative text toward the implementation of reciprocal teaching as a
technique to promote students’ critical thinking. Moreover, the researcher conducts
the research of teaching-learning process of narrative text by using reciprocal
teaching in a particular science class of one senior high school in Gresik,
East Java. There were seventeen students of tenth grader examined by giving
worksheet that include high order thinking skill. The instruments of this
research are audio recording, observation sheet, and the students’ worksheet.
The result showed that the teacher use this technique
well and suitable with some theories of the previous research but the teacher
inputs the stages of the technique in students’ worksheet in order to monitor
the students’ discussion. The use of reciprocal teaching showed that it
promotes the students to think critically in comprehending the text and
answering the high order thinking skill questions.
Keyword: Teaching Technique, Reciprocal Teaching,
Critical Thinking, Narrative Text