Application Of Patchwork And Sequins On Evening Party Clothes With The Theme Of Vie Ancienne
Patchwork adalah potongan kecil dengan berbagai bentuk dari bahan yang berbeda dijahitkan secara bersamaan. Berdasarkan sumber ide tersebut, penulis membuat busana pesta malam dengan penerapan patchwork dan payet . Tujuan penulis untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan penerapan patchwork dan payet pada busana pesta malam dengan tema vie ancienne dan hasil jadi penerapan patchwork dan payet pada busana pesta malam dengan tema vie ancienne. Proses pembuatan penerapan patchwork dan payet pada busana pesta malam dengan tema vie ancienne menggunakan kain bludru yang telah dilapisi dengan kain trico dimulai dari membuat desain manipulating patchwork yang sesuai dengan bentuk sumber ide kehidupan zaman prasejarah. Proses penerapan patchwork dan payet di mulai dengan kain bludru yang sudah dipotong sesuai pecah pola badan muka dan belakang. Kemudian dijahit sesuai urutan nomer pola patchwork, setelah jadi satu potongan pecah pola garis princess badan, lalu dilapisi dengan kain toyobo menggunakan teknik jelujur, kemudian setiap potongan garis princess dijahit jadi satu sesuai desain. Lalu mengatur peletakan hotflix menggunakan teknik pola serak. Hasil jadi busana pesta malam dengan penerapan patchwork dan payet terlihat mirip dengan sumber ide yaitu kehidupan zaman prasejarah. Pemilihan karakteristik bahan menggunakan tone warna coklat serta manipulating patchwork dan payet membuat gaun terlihat kesan etnic dan elegan.
Patchwork is small pieces of different shapes from different materials sewn together. Based on the source of these ideas, the author created an evening party outfit with the application of patchwork and sequins. The aim of the author is to find out the process of making the application of patchwork and sequins on evening party clothes with the theme of vie ancienne and the final result of applying patchwork and sequins to evening party dresses with the theme of vie ancienne. The process of making the application of patchwork and sequins on evening party attire with the theme of vie ancienne using a velvet cloth that has been coated with trico fabric starts from creating a manipulating patchwork design that matches the shape of prehistoric life ideas. The process of applying patchwork and sequins begins with a velvet fabric that has been cut according to the broken pattern of the face and back bodies. Then sewn in the order of the patchwork pattern number, after it becomes one broken piece of body princess line pattern, then coated with toyobo cloth using baste, then each piece of princess line is sewn together according to the design. Then arrange the hotflix placement using the hoarse pattern technique. The finished evening party dress with the application of patchwork and sequins looks similar to the source of the idea, prehistoric life. The choice of material characteristics using brown tones and manipulating patchwork and sequins makes the dress look etnic and elegant.