Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kelayakan LKS berbasis Discovery Learning berdasarkan validitas, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan. Penggunaan LKS ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains pada materi sifat cahaya dan proses pembentukan bayangan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D (define, design, develop, disseminate), namun terbatas sampai pada tahap develop. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa LKS valid berdasarkan modus nilai validasi sebesar 3 dengan kategori valid. Hasil pengamatan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dan aktivitas peserta didik menunjukkan bahwa LKS praktis berdasarkan skor rata-rata keterlaksanaan dan persentase aktivitas peserta didik masing-masing 3,83 dan 95,04% dengan kategori sangat baik. Hasil tes keterampilan proses sains peserta didik menunjukkan bahwa LKS efektif berdasarkan ketuntasan tes keterampilan proses sains sebesar 78 % dengan kategori baik dan perolehan nilai N-Gain score sebesar 0,75 dengan kategori tinggi. Persentase ketuntasan pada tiap aspek keterampilan proses sains yaitu pada aspek merumuskan masalah sebesar 100%, pada aspek merumuskan hipotesis sebesar 100%, pada aspek mengindentifikasi variabel sebesar 100%, pada aspek menginterpretasi data sebesar 85% dan pada aspek menyimpulkan sebesar 98%. Perolehan nilai rata-rata N-Gain score pada tiap aspek keterampilan proses sains sebesar 0,91 dengan kategori tinggi. Respon positif peserta didik menunjukkan LKS dinyatakan efektif berdasarkan persentase respon positif peserta didik sebesar 94,2% dengan kategori sangat baik. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa LKS Berbasis Discovery Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains pada Materi Sifat Cahaya dan Proses Pembentukan Bayangan dinyatakan layak ditinjau dari validasi, kepraktisan dan keefektifan.
Kata kunci: LKS, Discovery Learning, Keterampilan Proses Sains.
The purpose of this study is to describe the feasibility of students' worksheet based on Discovery Learning based on validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The use of students' worksheet aims to improve science process skills in the material nature of light and shadow formation processes. This research is a development research using a 4-D development model (define, design, develop, disseminate), but it is limited on the develop stage. Validation results show that students' worksheet is valid based on the validation value mode is 3 with a valid category. The results of the observation of the learning and activity of the students showed that the practical students' worksheet was based on the average score of implementation and the percentage of activities of students respectively 3.83 and 95.04% with very good categories. The results of the science process skills tests of students showed that the students' worksheet was effective based on the completeness of the science process skills test by 78% with good categories and the acquisition of N-Gain score of 0.75 in the high category. The percentage of completeness in every aspect of science process skills are first, in the aspect of formulating the problem fulfill as 100%, second on the aspect of formulating a hypothesis as 100%, then on aspects identifying variables as 100%, on aspects of interpreting data as 85% and on concluding aspects as 98%. It is obtained that the average N-Gain score on each aspect of science process skills is 0.91 with a high category. Positive responses of students showed that the students' worksheet was declared its effectiveness based on the positive percentage responses of students as 94.2% with very good categories. The conclusion of this study shows that students' worksheet which Based on Discovery Learning to Improve Science Process Skills in the Nature of Light and the Shadow Formation Process Material is declared feasible in terms of validation, practicality and effectiveness.
Keywords: Students' Worksheet, Discovery Learning, Science Process Skills.