Experimental Study Of The Inclination Angle Of Semi-Circular Perforated Baffle With Semi-Circular Fins On The Annulus On The Performance Of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger
Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK) berkembang pesat. Banyak jenis heat exchanger yang di rancang dan digunakan dalam pusat pembangkit dan unit pendinginan sebagai alat bantu dalam siklus kerja pada industri. Double pipe heat exchanger termasuk peranan penting proses rekayasa industri. Double pipe heat exchanger umum digunakan sebagai pre heater feed water sebelum masuk ketel uap. Semi-circular perforated baffle adalah salah satu komponen penting double pipe heat exchanger. semi-circular perforated baffle digunakan sebagai hambatan termal pada proses transfer energi kalor yang berfungsi untuk memberikan waktu kontak atau tinggal fluida kerja secara tidak langsung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi sudut kemiringan semi-circular perforated baffle terhadap peforma pada double pipe heat exchanger. Objek penelitian ini adalah double pipe heat exchanger menggunakan semi-circular perforated baffle lalu di variasikan dengan sudut kemiringan 90 , 60 , dan 45 . Pengambilan data pada double pipe heat exchanger menggunakan alat pressure gauge, flowmeter, dan thermocontrol sebagai instrumen penelitian. Data hasil penelitian dianalisa secara deskriptif dan dihitung secara teoritis dimasukan dalam grafik dan tabel. Analisis penelitian dengan variasi sudut kemiringan semi-circular perforated baffle ditemukan adanya pengaruh peforma perpindahan kalor dan nilai pressure drop. Nilai efektivitas tertinggi diperoleh pada variasi sudut kemiringan SSPB 90o sebesar 20 % dengan laju perpindahan kalor aktual sebesar 2,77 kJ/s dan memiliki nilai pressure drop 3950 Pa. Nilai pressure drop terendah diperoleh pada variasi tanpa SCPB (polos) sebesar 3900 Pa dan memiliki nilai efektivitas sebesar 10 % dengan laju perindahan kalor aktual 1,30 kJ/s. Namun nilai perbandingan antara efektivitas dengan pressure drop tertinggi diperoleh pada variasi sudut kemiringan SCPB 90o dengan nilai perbandingan sebesar 0,00657 %.
The development of science and technology is growing rapidly. Many types of heat exchangers are designed and used in power plants and refrigeration units as aids in industrial work cycles. Double pipe heat exchanger includes an important role in industrial engineering processes. Double pipe heat exchangers are commonly used as pre heater feed water before entering the steam boiler. Semi-circular perforated baffle is one of the important components of double pipe heat exchanger. semi-circular perforated baffle is used as a thermal barrier in the heat energy transfer process which serves to provide indirect contact or residence time of the working fluid. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations in the inclination angle of the semi-circular perforated baffle on the performance of the double pipe heat exchanger. The object of this research is a double pipe heat exchanger using a semi-circular perforated baffle and then varying it with a inclination angle of 90°, 60°, and 45°. Data retrieval on the double pipe heat exchanger using a pressure gauge, flowmeter, and thermocontrol as research instruments. The research data were analyzed descriptively and calculated theoretically and included in graphs and tables. Analysis of the research with variations in the angle of inclination of the perforated semicircle of the baffle was found to have the effect of changes in heat and the value of the pressure drop. The highest value is obtained at a variation of the 90o SSPB inclination angle of 20% with a heat transfer rate of 2,77 kJ/s and has a pressure drop value of 3950 Pa. The lowest pressure drop value was obtained in the variation without SSPB (plain) of 3900 Pa and had an effectiveness value of 10% with a heat transfer rate 1,30 kJ/s. However, the comparison value between the effectiveness of pressure reduction was obtained at 90o SSPB inclination angle variations with a comparison value of 0.00657%.