Naracyber transhumanis dalam sastra anak
Narracyber Transhumanist in children’s literature
Sastra anak abad 21 menawarkan tema menantang terkait teknologi, yaitu cyber dan transhumanis. Tema tersebut membawa anak pada imajinasi tentang masa depan penggunaan teknologi. Yuma, anak berusia enam tahun asal Indonesia menciptakan aplikasi berbasis augmented reality, yang terinspirasi dari vidio animasi kesukaannya. Hal tersebut menunjukkan urgensi penelitian cyber dan transhumanis dalam sastra anak yang sampai saat ini belum banyak dilakukan di Indonesia. Fokus penelitian meliputi (1) konstruksi naracyber transhumanis dalam sastra anak; (2) perspektif naracyber transhumanis pada sosial, budaya, religi, pendidikan, dan kebangsaan dalam sastra anak; dan (3) transformasi manusia pada naracyber transhumanis dalam sastra anak. Jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan fenomenologi sastra. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi berupa video animasi Upin-Ipin, Boboiboy, Riko The Series, Baby Bus dan Doraemon. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode narasi Creswell dengan prosedur deskripsi, klasifikasi, dan penafsiran. Teori yang digunakan merupakan penggabungan konsep dasar narasi, cyber dan transhumanis menjadi naracyber transhumanis. Teori tersebut menghasilkan tiga konsep dasar yaitu narasi sastra sebagai arsitektur realitas, rekonstruksi hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, alam dan manusia, dan narasi kecerdasan manusia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) konstruksi naracyber transhumanis dalam sastra anak terdiri dari gambar, gerak, suara dan dialog yang membentuk cerita; 2) perspektif sosial, budaya, religi, pendidikan dan kebangsaan perspektif naracyber transhumanis menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak tidak mengalami hipperealitas atau simulacra dalam sastra anak, karena anak dapat memahami isi cerita dan karakter tokoh meskipun dalam bentuk yang berbeda dari realitas manusia; dan transformasi manusia dalam sastra anak menunjukkan antiantroposentrime, artinya anak-anak memahami bahwa manusia bukan pusat penceritaan. Penelitian ini berimplikasi pada teori narasi yang melemah karena naracyber transhumanis melahirkan konsep proyeksi masa depan dalam narasi sastra anak. Sebaliknya pada teori cyber dan transhumanis menguat karena naracyber transhumanis melahirkan konsep penataan ulang interaksi manusia akibat teknologi dalam sastra anak dan antiantroposentrime dalam tokoh dan penokohan sastra anak.
Kata kunci: cyber, narasi, sastra anak, transhumanis
21st century children's literature offers challenging themes related to technology, namely cyber and transhumanism. The theme brings children to imagination about the future use of technology. Yuma, a six-year-old boy from Indonesia created an augmented reality-based application, which was inspired by his favorite children's animation. This shows the urgency of cyber and transhumanist research in children's literature which so far has not been carried out in Indonesia. The focus of the research is the construction of transhumanist narrators in children's literature, the perspective of transhumanist narrators on social, cultural, religious, educational, and nationality in children's literature, and human transformation of transhumanist narrators in children's literature. This type of qualitative descriptive research uses literary phenomenology. The data collection technique uses documentation in the form of animated videos of Upin-Ipin, Boboiboy, Riko The Series, Baby Bus and Doraemon. Data were analyzed using Creswell's narrative method with description, classification, and interpretation procedures. The theory used is a merger of the basic concepts of narration, cyber and transhumanist into a transhumanist narrator. The theory produces three basic concepts, namely literary narrative as the architecture of reality, the reconstruction of human relations with God, nature and humans, and the narrative of human intelligence. The results of the study show that 1) the construction of transhumanist narratives in children's literature consists of images, motion, sound and dialogue that make up the story; 2) social, cultural, religious, educational and national perspectives. The perspective of transhumanist narrators shows that children do not experience hyperreality or simulacra in children's literature, because they can understand the contents of the story and the characters although in a different form from human reality; and human transformation in children's literature shows anti-anthropocentrism, that is, children understand that humans are not the center of the story. This research has implications for narrative theory which is weakened because transhumanist narrators give birth to the concept of future projection in children's literary narratives. Conversely, cyber and transhumanist theory strengthens because transhumanist narrators give birth to the concept of rearranging human interaction due to technology in children's literature and anti-anthropocentrism in children's literature characters and characterizations.
Keyword: cyber, narrative, children's literature, transhumanist