Salah satu tindakan untuk mempertahankan imunitas tubuh di tengah pandemic Covid-19 adalah dengan berolahraga secara teratur. Virus Covid-19 resmi dinyatakan masuk ke Indonesia oleh pemerintah pusat sejak Maret 2020. Saat pandemic Covid-19 dinyatakan masuk ke Indonesia khusunya di Jawa Timur maka terdapat beberapa penyesuaian pola aktivitas warga terutama aktivitas di luar rumah. Artikel ilmiah ini membahas tentang pola aktivitas warga RT-01 RW-02 Manukan Loka dalam mempertahankan imunitas tubuh untuk mencegah Covid-19. Sebelum adanya pandemic Covid-19 warga RT-01 RW-02 Manukan Loka berolahraga secara bebas tanpa ada aturan-aturan tertentu dari pemerintah pusat. Tujuan yang menjadi dasar penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya perbedaan pola aktivitas fisik warga RT-01 RW-02 Manukan Loka khususnya yang berusia lebih dari 17 tahun, antara sebelum pandemic Covid-19 dan saat pandemic Covid-19. Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penyusunan artikel ilmiah ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif. Pola aktivitas olahraga warga RT-01 RW-02 Manukan Loka yang diteliti oleh penulis dalam skala satu minggu adalah intensitas berjemur, durasi berjemur, intensitas olahraga, durasi olahraga, serta jenis olahraga. Pola aktivitas tersebut merupakan hal mendasar yang dapat dilakukan oleh warga RT-01 RW-02 Manukan Loka selama pandemic Covid-19 tanpa harus keluar rumah. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengukur pola aktivitas fisik warga adalah Physical Activity Question (PAQ) versi Short-Form yang diisi oleh 38 warga melalui Google Form. Jawaban dari pertanyaan dalam kuesioner yang diisi oleh warga RT-01 RW-02 Manukan Loka menjadi simpulan pada artikel ilmiah ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola aktivitas fisik warga yang berubah setelah adanya pandemic Covid-19 adalah intensitas berjemur, intensitas olahraga, serta jenis olahraga. Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan: mayoritas warga RT-01 RW-02 Manukan Loka intensitas berjemurnya meningkat menjadi setiap hari, mayoritas warga RT-01 RW-02 Manukan Loka intensitas olahraganya menurun menjadi 1x dalam seminggu, dan mayoritas warga RT-01 RW-02 Manukan Loka jenis olahraga yang dilakukan di tengah pandemiCovid-19 adalah olahraga yang dapat dilakukan di dalam ruangan (indoor).
One of the action in order to defend our body immunity during Covid-19 pandemic is by doing some sports regularly Covid-19 virus has been stated officially in Indonesia by the government since march 2020. Now Covid-19 pandemic has been stated in Indonesia especially in east java, that’s why there are some adjustment. The pattern of activities, the people who have some activities outside. This scientific article discuss about the pattern of people activities, RT-01 RW 02 Manukan Loka in order to keep their body immunity to prevent covid 19. Before the existence of Covid-19 pandemic. The people of RT 01 RW 02 Manukan Loka, has been sporting freely without any rules from the center or government. The goal of this research is to know the different between the pattern of the phisic activities. Of the people RT 01 RW 02 Manukan Loka specially who aged more than 17 years old. Before pandemic and during Covid-19 pandemic this research is used in composing this scientific article to use Quantitative methode. Which is presented in descriptive shope. The pattren of sport activities to the people RT-01 RW-02 Manukan Loka have been researched. By the writer for one week scale. They have been sun bathing, duration of sun bathing, sport intensity, duration of sport and also kind of sports. Pattern of activities is the base thing that can be done by the people RT-01 RW 02 Manukan Loka during covid 19 pandemic without go outside of the house. The instrument of this research is used to measure the activity. Question (PAQ). Version short from which is filled by 38 people through Google Form.The answer from the Question in Questionaire which are filled by the people of RT 01 RW 02. Manukan Loka who become the conclution of this scientific article. The result of this research show that the pattern of physical activities of the people RT 01 RW 02. Have changed after the existence of Covid-19 pandemic those changes are the intensity of sun bathing the intensity of sport and the kinds of sport Covid-19 pandemic cause the average of intensity sun bathing of the people of RT 1 RW 2. Manukan Loka increase to be doing every day the average of intensity of doing sport the people RT 01 RW 02 Manukan Loka decrease to be done by one time for a week, the average of kind of sport which is done during Covid-19 pandemic is sport which can be done inside the room (indoor)