Development Of Personal Boundaries Awareness Package to Form Self-Protecting Behavior in Early Childhood
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk berupa paket personal boundaries awareness yang memenuhi kriteria aksebilitas dari para ahli yang terdiri dari kegunaan, kelayakan, ketepatan, dan kepatutan. Peneliti menggunakan model pengembangan research and development (R&D) yang diadaptasi dari Borg dan Gall (1983). Penelitian ini hanya dilaksanakan hingga tahap kelima yaitu revisi hasil uji coba utama.
Berdasarkan uji validasi oleh dua ahli materi diperoleh prosentase 98.5% atau kategori sangat baik dan tidak perlu direvisi, uji validasi oleh dua ahli media diperoleh prosentasi 87% atau kategori sangat baik dan tidak perlu direvisi, dan uji validasi oleh dua calon pengguna diperoleh hasil prosentase 89% atau kategori sangat baik dan tidak perlu direvisi. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa paket personal boundaries awareness untuk membentuk perilaku melindungi diri pad anak usia dini telah memenuhi kriteria aksebilitas.
Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Paket, Perilaku Melindungi Diri, Anak Usia Dini
This research aims to produce a product in the form of a personal boundaries awareness package that meets the accessibility criteria of experts consisting of usability, feasibility, accuracy, and propriety. Researchers use the research and development (R&D) development model adapted from Borg and Gall (1983). This research only carried out the research up to the fifth stage, the main product revision.
Based on the two material expert validation tests obtained a 98.5% scorer and fall on a very good and does not need to be revised category, the two media expert validation tests obtained an 87% scorer and fall on a very good and do not need to be revised category, and the two validation tests for prospective users obtained 89% scorer and falls on very good and does not need to revise category. It can be concluded that the personal boundaries awareness package to form self-protective behavior in early childhood meets the accessibility criteria.
Keywords: Development, Package, Self-protective Behavior, Early Childhood