Novel Pulung Gantung Tali Pati karya Iman Budhi Santosa merupakan sarana untuk melihat kepercayaan manusia terhadap mistis dan mitos yang ada di masyarakat Gunung Kidul. Berdasarkan penjelasan tersebut, rumusan masalahnya ada empat yaitu (1) kepercayaan lokal masyarakat Jawa terhadap mistis, (2) kepercayaan lokal masyarakat Jawa terhadap mitos, (3) dampak kepercayaan lokal masyarakat Jawa terhadap mistis dan mitos, dan (4) pendapat masyarakat mengenai kepercayaan lokal masyarakat Jawa. Tujuan penelitiannya adalah menjelaskan bentuk kepercayaan lokal terhadap mistis, mitos, dampak, dan pendapat masyarakat mengenai kepercayaan lokal masyarakat Jawa.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk mendeskripsikan kejadian mengenai kepercayaan lokal terhadap mistis dan mitos menggunakan teori antropologi sastra. Sumber data primernya adalah novel PGTP. Sumber data sekundernya adalah pendapat masyarakat dengan wawancara. Data-data primer yang digunakan yaitu kata, kalimat, dan paragraph mengenai kepercayaan lokal terhadap mistis dan mitos dalam novel tersebut. Data-data sekundher yang digunakan berupa kalimat yang disampaikan dalam wawancara dari narasumber dalam masyarakat mengenai pendapatnya tentang mistis dan mitos. Tata cara untuk mengumpulkan data dengan riset kapustakan, baca, catat, dan wawancara.
Hasil dari penelitian dalam novel PGTP yaitu (1) kepercayaan lokal masyarakat Jawa terhadap mistis, yaitu mengenai laku spiritual, makhluk halus, wangsit, dan ilmu gaib yang dipercaya masyarakat Gunung Kidul. Laku spiritual yang dilakukan yaitu lek-lekan dan kotekan untuk mengusir makhluk halus. Makhluk halus yaitu lelembut dan demit. Wangsit berupa bisikan dari demit dan gambaran orang berjubah putih. Ilmu gaib seperti ilmu yang dimiliki oleh dukun, (2) kepercayaan lokal masyarakat Jawa terhadap mitos, yaitu gugon tuhon, pralambang, legenda, dan larangan yang ada dalam novel tersebut. Gugon tuhon seperti pitutur dari leluhur. Pralambang berupa adanya tanda tumbuhan yang tumbuh, hewan yang datang, dan keadaan yang terjadi. Legendanya yaitu legenda mengenai Gunung Gambar. Terakhir yaitu mengenai larangannya masyarakat masyarakat Gunung Kidul, (3) dampak kepercayaan lokal masyarakat Jawa dibagi menjadi dua, yang pertama yaitu dampak positifnya menjadikan masyarakat dapat melestarikan adanya kepercayaan Jawa, yang kedua yaitu dampak negatifnya masyarakat menyalahgunakan kepercayaan tersebut untuk bertindak musrik, dan (4) pendapat masyarakat mengenai kepercayaan lokal dalam masyarakat Jawa yaitu masyarakat banyak yang masih percaya mistis dan mitos seperti laku spiritual seperti puasa, lek-lekan, dan kotekan, makhluk halus berupa wewe, pocong, dan sebagainya, wangsit berupa mimpi dan gambaran gaib, ilmu gaib dari dukun, gugon tuhon berupa pitutur dari leluhur, legenda terjadinya suatu tempat, dan larangan berupa kuwalat dan ora ilok.
Kata kunci: kepercayaan lokal, mistis, mitos
Pulung Gantung Tali Pati novels by Iman Budhi Santosa is a means to see human belief in mysticism and myths in the Gunung Kidul community. Based on this explanation, the formulation of the problem is four, namely (1) the local belief of the Javanese community towards mysticism, (2) the Javanese local belief in myths, (3) the impact of local Javanese beliefs on mysticism and myths, and (4) community opinion about trust local Javanese community. The aim of his research was to explain the form of local belief in mysticism, myths, impacts, and people's opinions about the local beliefs of Javanese people.
This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to describe events regarding local beliefs towards mystics and myths using the theory of literary anthropology. The primary data source is the PGTP novels. The secondary data source is community opinion with interviews. Primary data used are words, sentences, and paragraphs about local beliefs about mystics and myths in the novel. Sekundher data used in the form of sentences delivered in interviews from informants in the community regarding his opinions about mysticism and myths. Procedures for collecting data with capillary research, reading, writing and interviews.
The results of the research in the PGTP novels are (1) the local beliefs of the Javanese community towards mystics, namely the spiritual practices, spirits, wangsit, and occult that are believed by the people of Gunung Kidul. Spiritual practice is carried out namely lek-lekan and kothekan to expel spirits. The spirits are supernatural creatures and demites. Wangsit in the form of a whisper from the demit and a picture of a white-robed person. Magical knowledge such as knowledge possessed by shamans, (2) local beliefs of Javanese people towards myths, namely gugon tuhon, pralambang, legend, and prohibitions contained in the novel. Gugon tuhon is like a pitutur from an ancestor. Pralambang in the form of signs of plants that grow, animals that come, and conditions that occur. The legend is the legend about Gunung Gambar. Finally, regarding the prohibition of the Gunung Kidul community, (3) the impact of local Javanese beliefs is divided into two, the first is the positive impact that can make the community preserve Javanese beliefs, the second is the negative impact the community misuses the belief to act musrik, and (4 ) community opinion about local beliefs in Javanese society, namely many people who still believe mysticism and myths such as spiritual practices such as fasting, lek-lekan, and kothekan, spirits in the form of wewe, pocongan, and other, wangsit in the form of dreams and imagery, magic from magician, gugon tuhon in the form of pitutur from ancestors, legend of a place, and prohibitions in the form of kuwalat and ora ilok.
The results of the research in the PGTP novels are (1) the local beliefs of the Javanese community towards mystics, namely the spiritual practices, spirits, wangsit, and occult that are believed by the people of Gunung Kidul. Spiritual practice is carried out namely lek-lekan and kothekan to expel spirits. The spirits are supernatural creatures and demites. Wangsit in the form of a whisper from the demit and a picture of a white-robed person. Magical knowledge such as knowledge possessed by shamans, (2) local beliefs of Javanese people towards myths, namely gugon tuhon, pralambang, legend, and prohibitions contained in the novel. Gugon tuhon is like a pitutur from an ancestor. Pralambang in the form of signs of plants that grow, animals that come, and conditions that occur. The legend is the legend about Gunung Gambar. Finally, regarding the prohibition of the Gunung Kidul community, (3) the impact of local Javanese beliefs is divided into two, the first is the positive impact that can make the community preserve Javanese beliefs, the second is the negative impact the community misuses the belief to act musrik, and (4 ) community opinion about local beliefs in Javanese society, namely many people who still believe mysticism and myths such as spiritual practices such as fasting, lek-lekan, and kothekan, spirits in the form of wewe, pocongan, and other, wangsit in the form of dreams and imagery, magic from magician, gugon tuhon in the form of pitutur from ancestors, legend of a place, and prohibitions in the form of kuwalat and ora ilok.Keywords: local trust, mystical, mythical