Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam Membangun Sekolah Ramah Anak di SD KITA Bojonegoro
The Principal's Role in Building Child Friendly Schools at SD KITA Bojonegoro
Principals have an important role in realizing child-friendly schools that provide children's rights conventions. A concept influenced by the notion of children's rights, which sees it as the principal's duty to promote children's all-round development and provide opportunities for educators to manage child-friendly learning. Creating a child-friendly environment in collaboration with several partner networks. This research aims to find out the answer to the research focus of the principal's role in managing teachers, learners, a friendly environment, and partnerships to build child-friendly schools at SD KITA Bojonegoro. This type of research is descriptive using a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were the principal, foundation founder, teachers, students, and student guardians. Research data were obtained through interviews, documentation and observation. This data research analysis uses Miles and Huberman and data interpretation and uses triangulation techniques in testing the validity of research data. The results of the study stated (1) The role of the principal in managing teachers manages teachers to provide training that has an impact on improving learning and managing students by providing rights and child-friendly education (2) The role of the principal in managing a child-friendly environment is well built through a child-centered environment, safe, healthy, comfortable, and provides child stimulus. (3) The principal's role in managing partnerships by building a network of various partners to support child-friendly school programs so that there is trust, security, safety and comfort for children.
Keywords : Principal's Role, Principal, Child Friendly School.