The KKAJ keroncong orchestra is a
keroncong music group located in Perum Cacat Veterans No. 1, Jombang Regency, East
Java. The existence of the KKAJ keroncong orchestra aims to preserve keroncong
music, especially in Jombang Regency. The problems examined in this study are
how the background of the KKAJ keroncong orchestra, how the development of the
KKAJ keroncong orchestra, and how the regeneration efforts undertaken by the
KKAJ keroncong orchestra. The purpose of this study is to explain how the
background, development, and efforts to regenerate the KKAJ keroncong orchestra
in Jombang.
study uses qualitative research. Data collection techniques carried out by
observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained included
interviews, records of interviews, photographs and videos of the KKAJ keroncong
orchestra exercise and documents in the form of certificates. Analysis of the data
used in 3 ways, namely: data reduction, data presentation; and data
verification. Checking the validity of the data using the triangulation method,
namely data triangulation and triangulation methods.
results showed that the KKAJ keroncong orchestra is a place to practice and
learn keroncong music for those who love keroncong music in Jombang, especially
young children and school children. The KKAJ keroncong orchestra is making
efforts so that the community, especially youth and school children, are
involved in the development and preservation of keroncong music in Jombang. The
existence of the KKAJ keroncong orchestra in Jombang aims to preserve the
keroncong music, especially in Jombang and so that the KKAJ keroncong orchestra
continues to survive. Keroncong KKAJ is a place to study and practice keroncong
music for those who love keroncong music in Jombang, especially young people
and school children. The establishment of the KKAJ keroncong orchestra is an
individual desire that is the desire of Achmad Yani as the founder of the KKAJ
keroncong orchestra to preserve and maintain keroncong music, especially in
Jombang Regency. Starting in 2007 Achmad Yani bought keroncong musical
instruments and made a gathering with old people from around Achmad Yani's
house to play these instruments and the keroncong orchestra did not yet have a
name. The people who played a role in the formation of the 2007 keroncong
orchestra were Achmad Yani, Wakit, Totok, Ngatiman, Yayan, Rusli, Dea, Saipul,
and Nanang. The name of the KKAJ keroncong orchestra was formed when the KKAJ
keroncong orchestra first performed outside the city in Jakarta on October 3,
2012. The KKAJ keroncong orchestra developed from year to year and was a fairly
rapid development, both developments in membership, the complete keroncong
musical instrument and the ability of the musicians. Keroncong orchestra in the
regeneration effort took two steps namely recruiting open violin lessons.
on the results of the study, the author gives to be better prepared in
collecting data and everything related to research. Future studies are expected
to examine more sources and references and use competent and accountable
sources so that the research can be complete and better.