Terdapat 52 sekolah penyelenggara pendidikan tingkat dasar di Kota Mojokerto, ternyata masih belum memiliki pangkalan data yang berkaitan dengan jumlah anak diskalkulia. Padahal data anak diskalkulia perlu di ketahui untuk pemberian pelayanan bagi anak, sehingga perlu adanya identifikasi. Pentingnya identifikasi sebagai proses awal mengenali suatu gejala atau ciri-ciri yang dialami oleh anak, sehingga dapat memberikan pelayanan yang sesuai. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi siswa berisiko kesulitan belajar matematika (diskalkulia) di sekolah dasar negeri Kota Mojokerto.
Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan analisis data deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 52 SDN Kota Mojokerto. Sampel menggunakan teknik random sampling ditetapkan sebanyak 5 SDN. Alat identifikasi diadaptasi dari Lafeyette Parish School System dan buku “Panduan Asesmem Matematika untuk Siswa Kesuliatan Belajar” yang dimodifikasi. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner yang di berikan kepada guru untuk menjaring siswa dan tes diberikan kepada siswa yang terjaring untuk menentukan anak berisiko atau tidak, teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif dengan rumus prosentase (P= n/f x 100 %).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan siswa yang bersiko mengalami kesulitan belajar matematika (diskalkulia) di SDN Kota Mojokerto adalah sebesar 74 siswa (9,44) % dari 784 siswa.
Kata Kunci : Identifikasi, Siswa Diskalkulia, SDN Mojokerto
There were 52 schools of basic level education organizer in Mojokerto city, apparently they did not have database which related with the amount of dyscalculia children. Whereas, the data of dyscalculia children needed to be known for giving service to the children so that it required identification. The importance of identification was as the first process to recognize a symptom or characteristics experienced by the children so that the school could give suitable service. This research purpose was to identify the students who got difficulty in learning mathematics (dyscalculia) in state primary school Mojokerto city.
This research kind used quantitative approach with descriptive data analysis. This research population numbered 52 state primary schools in Mojokerto city. The sample used random sampling technique decided 5 state primary schools. The identification instrument was adjusted from Lafeyette Parish School System and the book of “Mathematics Assessment Guide For Difficulty Learning Students” which was modified. The technique of data collection was through the questionnaire which was given to the teacher to catch the students and the test was given to the students caught to determine whether the children got risk or not. The technique of data analysis used descriptive statistic with percentage formula (P=n/f x 100%). The research result indicated that the students who got risk to experience difficulty in learning mathematics (dyscalculia) in state primary school Mojokerto city were 74 students (9,44) % of 784 students.
Keywords: Identification, Dyscalculia students, state primary school Mojokerto