Kalimat Seruan dalam Iklan Astra Bier
Exclamatory Sentence in the Astra Bier Advertisement
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk kalimat seruan pada kalimat iklan Astra Bier. Penggunaan kalimat seruan oleh Astra Bier yang variatif menjadi latar belakang penelitian ini. Bentuk kalimat seruan tersebut perlu dianalisis lebih dalam agar pembaca paham dengan intensi iklan tersebut sehingga tidak menimbulkan salah persepsi. Terkait dengan fokus tersebut, penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bentuk kalimat seruan berbasis pada ciri sintaksis yaitu penggunaan penanda unsur emosional berupa Abtönungspartikel dan Interjektion serta struktur wie + Adjektif atau was für ein. Adapun data yang diperoleh yaitu 7 kalimat pada iklan Astra Bier yang diunduh dari laman website resmi Astra Bier, Pinterest dan eBay terkait kalimat pada iklan Astra berupa 2 bentuk kalimat seruan Nichtausrufesatz dan 5 bentuk kalimat seruan Ausrufesatz. Penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan teori Tymtschenko (2015) yang didukung oleh Poźlewicz (2013) tentang konstruksi dan bentuk kalimat seruan, Weinrich (1993) tentang Abtönungspartikel, Nübling (2004) tentang Interjektion serta Gallman (2009) tentang Satzformen. Berbasis pada teori-teori di atas ditemukan hasil penelitian bahwa kalimat seruan dapat memiliki struktur kalimat berdasarkan tipe posisi verba seperti pada kalimat deklaratif, interogatif dan imperatif serta struktur wie + Adjektif atau was für ein.
This study aims to describe the exclamatory sentence in the Astra Bier ad text. The background of this study is the various exclamatory sentences by Astra Bier. These variatons in the exclamatory sentence need to be analyzed more deeply so that readers can understand the intention of the advertisement and do not cause misperceptions. This research will focus on the form of the exclamatory sentence. Related to this focus, this study will describe the construction of exclamative sentence that based on the syntatic feature which is exclamation mark and associated with the use of emotional signs which are modal particle and interjection as well as wie + adjective or was für ein. For the present study the data are derived from the official website of Astra Bier, Pinterest and eBay that have Astra Bier ad text, which include 2 exclamatory sentences Nichtausrufesatz and 5 exclamatory sentences Ausrufesatz. The exclamatory sentence Ausrufesatz has emotional signs and exclamation mark but the exclamatory sentence Nichtausrufesatz has only exclamation mark. research was analyzed using Tymtschenko’s theory (2015) that supported by Poźlewicz (2013) about the constructions and the types of exclamatory sentences, Weinrich (1993) about modal particle, Nübling (2004) about interjection as well as Gallman (2009) about the forms of sentences. Based on the above theories, it is found that the research result shows that the exclamatory sentences can be formed the same as declarative, interrogative and imperative sentences based on the verbs position as well as the structure of wie + adjective or was für ein.