Fathir, Lucy Widya, 2022. Effect of Functional Strength Training AMRAP, EMOM and FOR TIME on increasing abdominal muscle strength, leg strength and endurance cardiovascular. Dissertation, Doctoral Program in Sport Science, Postgraduated Program, State University of Surabaya. Supervisor: (1) Prof. Dr. drg. Soetanto Hartono, M.Sc., dan (II) Prof. Dr. Nining Widyah Kusnanik, M.Appl.Sc.
Keywords: Functional Strength Training, AMRAP, EMOM, FOR TIME, Abdominal Muscle Strength, Leg Strength, Endurance Cardiovascular.
The aims of the study were (1) to analyze the effect of the As Many Rounds/ Reps as Possible (AMRAP) on increasing abdominal muscle strength, leg strength, and endurance cardiovascular, (2) to analyze the effect of the FST Every minute on the mInutes (EMOM) to increase abdominal muscle strength, leg strength, endurance cardiovascular, (3) to analyze the effect of the FST FOR TIME to increase abdominal muscle strength, leg strength, endurance cardiovascular, (4) The different of effect on AMRAP, EMOM and FOR TIME to increase abdominal muscle strength, leg strength, endurance cardiovascular.
The sample of this study is male with an age of 25-40 years old with a total of 30 recreational. Runner in Surabaya. This type of study is quantitative using ordinal pairing technique. Pre and post data test by measuring leg dynamometer (kg), 30 second sit up test and multi stage fitness test / MFT (ml/kg/minute).
The results: 1) The AMRAP group had the results in leg muscle strength significant increase of 14% greater than FOR TIME and less than EMOM which was 14% (7% vs 15% < 0.05), abdominal strength had significant increase compared to the EMOM and FOR TIME groups by 11% (7% vs 7% < 0.05), endurance cardiovascular had a significantly greater increase between the EMOM and FOR TIME groups by 6% (2% vs 3% <0.05), 2) EMOM Groups had significant increase in leg muscle strength 15% greater than AMRAP and FPR TIME groups by 15% (14% vs 7% < 0.05), abdominal strength had a significant increase between AMRAP and FOR TIME groups of 7% (11% vs 7%< 0.05), cardiovascular endurance had a significant increase between the AMRAP and FOR TIME group by 2% (6% vs 3% > 0.05), 3) FOR TIME group, the results obtained on leg muscle strength had a significant increase between AMRAP and EMOM by 7% (14% vs 15% < 0.05), abdominal strength had a significant increase between AMRAP and EMOM groups by 7% (11% vs 7% <0.0.5), endurance cardiovascular had a significant increase between AMRAP and EMOM groups of 3% (6% vs 2% < 0.05). 4) There is an analysis result that there is no significant difference in the effects between AMRAP, EMOM and FOR TIME caused bythe results of the MANOVA test at the mean fifferent sig evel > 0.05 and the persentattion increase of variables in each group is not much more than 20% of the AMRAP, EMOM and FOR TIME group results.
Conclusion: the results of this study prove that there is a significant effect of the effectiveness of functional strength training using AMRAP, EMOM and FOR TIME groups on increasing leg muscle strength, abdominal strength and endurance cardiovascular. The three groups did not have a significant different in influence because the results of multivariate test analysis at sig level > 0.05.