Literasi kesehatan adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk dapat memperoleh, memproses, dan memahami dasar informasi kesehatan dan kebutuhan pelayanan yang dibutuhkan untuk pengambilan keputusan kesehatan yang tepat. Literasi kesehatan di kalangan mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menambah wawasan pengetahuan tentang kesehatan dengan cara membaca, menulis, dan mendengarkan informasi kesehatan.
Pada penelitian ini peneliti memiliki tujuan yaitu mengetahui gambaran literasi kesehatan mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Olahraga Universitas Negeri Surabaya angkatan 2017 dengan jumlah sampel 112 mahasiswa. Adapun penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian non eksperimen dengan metode survei. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuisioner HLS-EU-Q16 dan NVS (Newest Vital Sign). Analisis data menggunakan persentase.
Hasil dari penelitian berdasarkan pengisian angket HLS-EU-Q16 menunjukkan bahwa literasi kesehatan mahasiswa kategori rendah 1 mahasiswa (0,9%), 21 mahasiswa (18,8%) termasuk kategori sedang, dan 90 mahasiswa (80,4%) termasuk kategori tinggi. Sedangkan hasil penelitian berdasarkan pengisian angket NVS terdapat 71,4% termasuk kategori kemungkinan besar literasi terbatas, 26,8% termasuk kategori kemungkinan literasi terbatas, dan 1,8% termasuk kategori kemungkinan literasi cukup. Hal ini menunjukkan gambaran tingkat literasi kesehatan mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Olahraga berdasarkan dimensi yang sesuai dengan pengisian kuisioner HLS-EU-Q16 termasuk ke dalam kategori tinggi, dan tingkat literasi kesehatan mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Olahraga berdasarkan pengisian kuisioner NVS (Newest Vital Sign) termasuk ke dalam kemungkinan besar literasi terbatas.
Kata kunci: Literasi Kesehatan, mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Olahraga
Health literacy is the ability of a person to be able to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and the service requirements needed for proper health decision making. Health literacy among students is expected to increase knowledge about health by reading, writing and listening to health information.
In this study the researchers had the aim to find out the health literacy picture of students from the Faculty of Sports, Surabaya State University, 2017 class with a sample of 112 students. This research is included in non-experimental research with survey methods. Data was collected by filling out the HLS-EU-Q16 and NVS (Latest Vital Sign) questionnaires. Data analysis uses percentages.
The results of the study based on the filling out of the HLS-EU-Q16 questionnaire showed that student health literacy was in the low category of 1 student, 21 students (18.8%) was in the medium category, and 90 students (80.4%) was in the high category. While the results of research based on filling in the NVS questionnaire were 71.4% included in the category of most likely limited literacy, 26.8% included in the category of likelihood of limited literacy, and 1.8% included in the category of likelihood of adequate literacy. This shows a picture of the health literacy level of the students of the Faculty of Sport Sciences based on dimensions corresponding to the filling of the HLS-EU-Q16 questionnaire included in the high category, and the level of health literacy of the students of the Faculty of Sports Science based on the filling of the NVS (Newest Vital Sign) questionnaire included in the possibilities limited literacy large.
Keyword: Health Literacy, students faculty of sport science.