Pengaruh Penggunaan SOHC dan DOHC Pada Mesin Honda GL-Pro 250 CC Terhadap Performa Mesin
The Effect of Using SOHC and DOHC on the Honda GL-Pro 250 CC on Engine Performance
Transportasi darat termasuk moda transportasi mengalami perkembangan teknologi. Hal ini bisa melakukan modifikasi bagian tertentu seperti: sistem bahan bakar, pengapian, pemindah daya, kepala silinder, blok silinder. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui pengaruhnya penggunaan SOHC serta DOHC mesin Honda GL-Pro 250 CC terhadap performa mesin. Pengambilan data 3 tahap, yaitu pengukuran torsi (N.m), daya (HP) serta fc (konsumsi bahan bakar). Penelitian ini eksperimen deskriptif kuantitatif. Variabel control yaitu 1000 rpm, 1500 rpm, 2000 rpm, 2500 rpm, 3000 rpm, 3500 rpm, 4000 rpm, 4500 rpm, 5000 rpm, 5500 rpm, 6000 rpm, 6500 rpm, 7000 rpm, 7500 rpm, 8000 rpm, 8500 rpm, 9000 rpm, kelembapan ruang uji 60% - 70% RH, temperatur ruang uji 20°C - 30°C, bahan bakar pertamax. Hasil pengujian torsi Honda GL-Pro 250 CC SOHC menghasilkan nilai 19,00 N.m pada putaran 5500 torsi rata-rata 14,74%, sedangkan Honda GL-Pro 250 CC DOHC menghasilkan nilai 19,50 N.m pada putaran 6500 torsi rata-rata 15,20%. Daya Honda GL-Pro 250 CC SOHC menghasilkan nilai 17,30 HP pada putaran 7000 dan daya rata-rata 12,64%, sedangkan Honda GL-Pro 250 CC DOHC menghasilkan nilai 18,10 HP pada putaran 8000 dan daya rata-rata 13,11%. Konsumsi bahan bakar GL-Pro 250 CC SOHC meghasilkan rata-rata 1,12 L/Jam, sedangkan GL-Pro 250 CC DOHC sebesar 1,45 L/Jam. Mesin eksperimen terbaik peningkatan torsi adalah Honda GL-Pro 250 CC DOHC. Mesin eksperimen terbaik peningkatan daya adalah Honda GL-Pro 250 DOHC. Mesin eksperimen paling baik dalam mengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar Honda GL-Pro 250 CC SOHC.
Kata Kunci: SOHC, DOHC, torsi, daya dan konsumsi bahan bakar.
Land transportation, including modes of transportation, is experiencing technological developments. It can modify certain parts such as: fuel system, ignition, power shifter, cylinder head, cylinder block. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of SOHC and DOHC Honda GL-Pro 250 CC engines on engine performance. Retrieval of 3 stages of data, namely measurement of torque (N.m), power (HP) and fc (fuel consumption). This research is a quantitative descriptive experiment. Control variables are 1000 rpm, 1500 rpm, 2000 rpm, 2500 rpm, 3000 rpm, 3500 rpm, 4000 rpm, 4500 rpm, 5000 rpm, 5500 rpm, 6000 rpm, 6500 rpm, 7000 rpm, 7500 rpm, 8000 rpm, 8500 rpm , 9000 rpm, humidity of test chamber 60% - 70% RH, temperature of test chamber 20°C - 30°C, fuel Pertamax. The results of the torque test for the Honda GL-Pro 250 CC SOHC produce a value of 19.00 N.m at 5500 rotation with an average torque of 14.74%, while the Honda GL-Pro 250 CC DOHC produces a value of 19.50 N.m at 6500 rotation with an average torque of 15 .20%. Power Honda GL-Pro 250 CC SOHC produces a rated 17.30 HP at 7000 revolutions and an average power of 12.64%, while the Honda GL-Pro 250 CC DOHC produces a rated 18.10 HP at 8000 revolutions and an average power of 13 .11%. Fuel consumption for the GL-Pro 250 CC SOHC produces an average of 1.12 L/hour, while the GL-Pro 250 CC DOHC is 1.45 L/hour. The best experimental engine for increasing torque is the Honda GL-Pro 250 CC DOHC. The best experimental machine for increasing power is the Honda GL-Pro 250 DOHC. The best experimental machine in reducing fuel consumption Honda GL-Pro 250 CC SOHC.
Keywords: SOHC, DOHC, torque, power and fuel consumption.