DwiAnggraini, Anita. 2020. Application of the Value ClarivicationTehnique
Model (VCT) Assisted Media Images in Increasing Motivation and
Citizenship Education Learning Outcomes Greade Four in SDNWonorejo
III/314 Surabaya.
Thesis. Primary Education Study Program,Postgraduate
of State University of Surabaya. Advisor. Dr. Suhanadji, M.Siand
Dr. Rr. NanikSetyowati, M.Si
Keyword s: Aplication of the VCT, Image Media,
Motivation, andStudent
Learning Outcomes
This research is a classroom action research that aims to find out the
increase in motivation and student learning outcomes in Civics Education
subjects in particular the material for the area of my abode by applying the
Value ClarivicationTehnique model (VCT) assisted image media. This
research was conducted in grade four SDN Wonorejo III/314 Surabayain the 2019/2020academic year which numbered 34 students in 3 cycles. To determine the
effectiveness of the image media-assisted VCT model, data processing was
carried out through student activity observation sheets, student questionnaire
sheets, and the results of student activity sheet tests ineach cycle. Teacher
activity data obtained during the study experienced successive increases which
initially amounted to 58,33% increased by 10,86% in cycle I, 9,14% in cycle II
and by 18,34% in cycle III so that it reached 96,67%. In students activity
which was originally only 52% increased by 17% in the first cycle, in the
second cycle increased 7%, and in the third cycle became 96% or increased bya
20%. Likewise, the motivation to learn in the first cycle of 61,77% increased
by 17,64% in the second cycle and became 94,12% in the third cycle. While the
learning outcomes have increased from initially only 35,29% an increase of
17,65% in the first cycle,20,59 in the second cycle, and 20,59% in the third
cycle so that it became 94,12%. Thus, the application of the VCT learning model
assisted by picture media was stated to be suitable for the teaching of class
IV Cicics at SDN Wonorejo III/314 Surabaya because the specified achievement indicators.