ABSTRAK— Teknik upcycle merging two clothes adalah teknik upcycle dengan cara menggabungkan dua jenis pakaian bekas untuk dijadikan pakaian dengan desain baru. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengembangan teknik upcycle merging two clothes pada dress ditinjau dari desain dan hasil jadi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan Borg and Gall tahap 1 sampai 4. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner melalui googleform dengan mengamati foto desain dan hasil jadi sebanyak 30 (tiga puluh) responden. Hasil penelitian pengembangan teknik upcycle merging two clothes pada dress ditinjau dari desain dress 1 mendapat nilai rata-rata persentase 97%, dress 2 mendapat nilai rata-rata persentase 92%, dress 3 mendapat nilai rata-rata 96%, dress 4 dengan persentase 90% yang berarti ke empat desain dress “sangat baik”. Hasil penelitian pengembangan teknik upcycle merging two clothes pada dress ditinjau dari hasil jadi dress 1 dengan persentase 93%, dress 2 dengan persentase 98%, dress 3 mendapat nilai rata-rata persentase 96%, dress 4 dengan persentase 96% yang berarti ke empat hasil jadi dress “sangat baik”.Kata Kunci: Desain, Dress, Merging Two Clothes, Upycle, Hasil jadi
ABSTRAK— Upcycle merging two clothes technique is an upcycle technique by combining two types of second hand clothes to be used as a clothes in a new design. The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of upcycle merging two clothes techniques on dresses in terms of design and finished results. The research method used is the development of Borg and Gall stages 1 to 4. The method of data collection uses a questionnaire through Googleform by observing the design photos and the finished results of 30 (thirty) respondents. The results showed that the development of upcycle merging two clothes technique on dress in terms of the design dress 1 got an average percentage of 97%, dress 2 got an average percentage of 92%, dress 3 got an average percentage of 96%, dress 4 got an average percentage of 90% which means the four dress designs are "very good". The results showed that the development of upcycle merging two clothes technique on the dress in terms of the finish results dress 1 got an average percentage of 93%, dress 2 got an average percentage of 98%, dress 3 got an average percentage of 96%, dress 4 got an average percentage of 96%, which means the four dress finished results are "very good”.Keywords: Design, Dress, Merging Two Clothes, Upycle, Finished Results