Media Scrapbook adalah media gambar berseri tiga dimensi yang membentuk rangkaian peristiwa secara kronologis dengan menggunakan kata kunci. Pengembangan media scrapbook dapat membantu peserta didik dalam pembelajaran menulis narasi. Media scrapbook dibuat dengan gambar berbentuk tiga dimensi melalui aplikasi software canva dan adope photoshop dengan gambar peristiwa menyesuaikan tema pembauran budaya dan terdapat kata kunci untuk memahami gambar, sehingga peserta didik dapat mengembangkan cerita atau narasi dengan menggunakan media tersebut.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media scrapbook yang valid, efektif dan praktis pada pembelajaran menulis narasi peserta didik kelas IV sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN Karah I/411 Surabaya. Metode penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian Resarch and Development (R&D) dengan menerapkan model Pengembangan ADDIE yang memiliki lima tahapan yaitu analisys (analisis), design (perancangan), development (pengembangan), implementation (implementasi), evaluation (evaluasi). Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan skala Likert.
Hasil dari penelitian pengembangan media scrapbook dinyatakan valid dibuktikan dengan kevalidan media memperoleh persentase 96,6% dan kevalidan materi memperoleh persentase 87,3%, hasil kevalidan media dan materi tersebut termasuk kategori sangat valid tanpa revisi. Keefektifan media scrapbook dinyatakan efektif berdasarkan hasil tes berdasarkan perhitungan N-gain, instrumen keefektifan respon peserta didik dan pendidik. Hasil N-gain menunjukan adanya peningkatan nilai peserta didik sebesar 0,62 yang termasuk dalam peningkatan sedang, instrument keefektifan respon peserta didik 79,8% termasuk kategori efektif, dan instrument keefektifan respon pendidik 90,3% termasuk kategori sangat efektif. Kepraktisan media scrapbook berdasarkan hasil keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Instrumen kepraktisan respon peserta didik menghasilkan persentase 85,4% dan respon pendidik menghasilkan persentase 92%, hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa instrument kepraktisan respon peserta didik dan pendidik termasuk kriteria sangat praktis. Berdasarkan perolehan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan media scrapbook berkualitasdigunakan untuk pembelajaran menulis narasi peserta didik kelas IV sekolah dasar.
Scrapbook media is a three-dimensional serialized image media that forms a chronological series of events using keywords. The development of scrapbook media can help students in learning to write narratives. Scrapbook media is made with three-dimensional images through canva and adope photoshop software applications with images of events adjusting the theme of cultural blending and there are keywords to understand the images, so that students can develop stories or narratives using the media.
This research aims to produce scrapbook media that is valid, effective and practical in learning to write narratives for grade IV elementary school students. This research was conducted at SDN Karah I/411 Surabaya. The research method uses the type of Resarch and Development (R&D) research by applying the ADDIE Development model which has five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation. The data processing technique uses a Likert scale.
The results of the scrapbook media development research were declared valid as evidenced by the validity of the media obtained a percentage of 96.6% and the validity of the material obtained a percentage of 87.3%, the results of the validity of the media and material were included in the very valid category without revision. The effectiveness of scrapbook media is declared effective based on the test results based on the calculation of N-gain, the effectiveness instrument of students' and educators' responses. The N-gain results show an increase in the value of students by 0.62 which is included in a moderate increase, the effectiveness instrument of student responses 79.8% including the effective category, and the effectiveness instrument of educator responses 90.3% including the very effective category. The practicality of scrapbook media is based on the results of learning implementation. The practicality instrument of students' responses resulted in a percentage of 85.4% and the educator's response resulted in a percentage of 92%, indicating that the practicality instrument of students' and educators' responses included very practical criteria. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the development of quality scrapbook media is used for learning narrative writing for grade IV elementary school students.