Tradhisi Meras Gandrung Banyuwangi
Anwar Kholis
Mahasiswa Program Studhi S1 Pendhidhikan Basa lan Sastra Dhaerah, Fakultas Basa lan Seni, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Yohan Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Dhosen Program Studhi S1 Pendhidhikan Basa lan Sastra Dhaerah, Fakultas Basa lan Seni, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Tradhisi Upacara Meras Gandrung minangka salah siji tradhisi ing masyarakat Banyuwangi. Upacara meras gandrung yaiku adicara winisudha gandrung. Gandung anyar bakal dislameti banjur digurah utawa dipuph, pungkasane gandrung bakal dipentasake sewengi natas. Panliten iki bakal ngrembug kepriye mula buka, tata laku, makna lan simbol kang kinadhut sajrone ubarampe lan piranti, piguna, lan owah-owahan kang dumadi ing tadhisi Meras Gandrung Banyuwangi.
Panliten tradhisi meras gandrung migunakake Teori Folklor. Adhedhasar jinise tradhisi iki digolongake Folklor setengah lisan.. Sumber dhata sajrone panliten iki yaiku jurnal ilmiah lan narasumber yaiku pelaku tradhisi meras gandrung yaiku Gandrung temuk lan Gandrung Supinah. Dhata sajrone anliten iki yaiku katrangan saka jurnal ilmiah lan andharan asil wawancara mrang narasumber. Andharan asil panliten tradhisi kasebut bakal dijlentrehake kanthi metodhe dheskriptif kualitatif
Upacara Meras Gandrung minangka tradhisi masyarakat Banyuwangi kang wis ana wiwit jaman kuna. Mula buka tradhisi iki slraras karo tuwuhe gandrung ing Banguwangi. Tata laku tradhisi iki diwiwiti kanthi golek dina lan nyawisake kabeh ubarampe lan piranti. Sabanjure gandrung bakal dipupuh utawa digurah. Pungkasane gandrung bakalan dipentasake sewengi natas. Ubarampe lan piranti sajrone tradhisi kasebut yaiku peras cacah loro kanthi princen gedhang raja satangkep, kelapa, beras, gula jawa, endhog, lan cok bakal. Ubarampe sabanjure yaiku pupuh, rokok, kopi, lincak, kain putih, wanci kinangan, genthong siraman, jenang abang, lan sega golong. Tradhisi upacara meras gandrung nduweni piguna yaiku kanggo nylameti gandrung kang diwisudha, proyeksi masyarakat, sarana kanggo nuri-uri kabudayan, sarana pendhidhikan, lan sarana ngatur masyarakat. Owah-owahan uga dumadi sajrone tradhisi iki, Upacara meras gandrung ing jaman kuno isih migunakake piranti lan ubarampe jangkep. Ing jaman saiki upacara meras gandrung luwih ngrembaka lan dislarasake klawan kabutuhan.
Tembung Wigati: Folklor, Tradhisi, Meras Gandrung Banyuwangi.
The Meras Gandrung Tradition Ceremony is one of the traditions in the Banyuwangi community. The gandrung feeling ceremony is a gandrung graduation ceremony. The new Gandung will be prayed for and then shed or fertilized. Finally, the gandrung program will be staged all night long. This research will discuss how the ideas, procedures, meanings and symbols contained in the ceremonial devices, benefits, and changes that occur in the Banyuwangi gandrung meras tradition.
Research on the tradition of feeling infatuated using folklore theory. Based on this type of tradition, it is classified as semi-oral folklore. Sources of data in this research are scientific journals and actors of the gandrung tradition, namely Gandrung Temuk and Gandrung Supinah as resource persons. The data used in this research are information from scientific journals and the results of interviews with sources. The results of this study will use a qualitative descriptive method
The Meras Gandrung ceremony is a tradition of the Banyuwangi people that has existed since time immemorial. The origin of this tradition coincided with the existence of gandrung in Banyuwangi. The procedure for implementing this tradition begins with finding the day of the implementation and preparing all the ceremonial devices. After that, gandrung will be fertilized or shed. At the end of the event Gandrung will be performed all night long. The device used in the ceremony is squeezing two pieces with the details of the pairing of plantain, coconut, rice, palm sugar, eggs, and chocolate. The next equipment is pupuh, cigarettes, coffee, lincak, menyan, white cloth, wanci kinangan, barrel siraman, red porridge, and sega golong. The tradition of the gandrung meras ceremony has benefits, namely to pray for gandrung who is graduated, community projections, facilities for preserving culture, educational facilities, and facilities for community assistance. Changes also occur in this tradition, the ceremony was infatuated in ancient times still using complete equipment. In the present, the ceremonies are more developed and adapted to the needs.
Key Word: Folklore, Tradition, Meras Gandrung Banyuwangi.