Education is a subject that is conducted outside the classroom and that is one
of the subjects that must be considered. A teacher must be able to provide
information, implement and manage the learning process including choosing
teaching styles in the learning process. In volleyball learning, many teachers
fully provide instructions and explanations in the learning process, so students
will follow what is instructed by the teacher that makes student activity and
creativity limited. Therefore, the teacher must choose a teaching method that
makes students more active in the learning process that can improve skills, one
of them uses reciprocal teaching styles. Reciprocal teaching styles can be
applied to overcome the problem of differences in characteristics motor skills
students. In a reciprocal styles, the responsibility for giving feedback move
from the teacher to their peers. The purpose of this research is to determine
the effect of reciprocal teaching styles on volleyball playing skills. The
method used in this research is literature review from 38 journal, 20 of them were used as data for
review with a range of 2010 to 2020 and
were taken from eleven databases (Google Scholar, researchgate, Journal Unnes, e-journal UPI, Journal Unesa, Journal
IKIP, ASJP, tandfonline, repository, GCI, JOSSAE). The conclusion is reciprocal
teaching styles affects the improvement of student volleyball skills. In its
application, reciprocal teaching styles must be balanced by looking at
students' motor skills so that the teaching styles applied can run efficiently
and effectively. In addition, reciprocal teaching styles can also increase
student motivation and satisfaction in learning.
Keywords: PJOK, reciprocal
teaching styles, volleyball skills