(Studi Pada Sektor Perusahaan Jasa Pengiriman Barang Wilayah
Jawa Timur)
Era Industri 4.0 diketahui adanya pengembangan teknologi pada berbagai sektor industri, kemudahaan akses informasi, dan adanya perkembangan lingkungan bisnis yang mempunyai dampak pada strategi. Perubahan ini membuat berbagai negara di dunia salah satunya Indonesia merasakan bahwa modal keuangan saja belum cukup untuk menghadapi gejolak perubahan yang terjadi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji peran mediasi knowledge sharing dan moderasi openness to experience pada hubungan empowering leadership dan employee creativity sektor perusahaan jasa pengiriman barang wilayah Jawa Timur.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, yaitu dikumpulkan dari populasi dan sampel yang representatif. Populasi keseluruhan dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan sektor perusahaan jasa pengiriman barang wilayah Jawa Timur yang tidak dapat dijelaskan secara jelas (tidak terbatas atau infinite) jumlahnya. Adapun data kuesioner disebar pada karyawan yang bekerja di 4 perusahaan jasa pengiriman barang berasal dari 6 Kabupaten/Kota wilayah operasional atau regional di Jawa Timur : Surabaya; Sidoarjo; Gresik; Probolinggo; Pasuruan dan Mojokerto. Responden dalam penelitian ini secara keseluruhan berjumlah 100 responden. Teknik analisis data menggunakan pendekatan SEM-PLS dengan bantuan software Smart-PLS 3.0 untuk analisis inferensial setiap variabel dan SPSS 23 untuk analisis statistik demografi karakteristik responden dan analisis deskriptif variabel penelitian.
Temuan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) empowering leadership tidak berpengaruh terhadap employee creativity karyawan sektor perusahaan jasa pengiriman barang wilayah Jawa Timur; (2) empowering leadership berpengaruh positif terhadap knowledge sharing karyawan sektor perusahaan jasa pengiriman barang wilayah Jawa Timur; (3) knowldge sharing berpengaruh positif terhadap employee creativity karyawan sektor perusahaan jasa pengiriman barang wilayah Jawa Timur; (4) knowledge sharing memediasi pengaruh positif empowering leadership terhadap employee creativity karyawan sektor perusahaan jasa pengiriman barang wilayah Jawa Timur; (5) openness to experience berpengaruh positif terhadap employee creativity karyawan sektor perusahaan jasa pengiriman barang wilayah Jawa Timur; (6) openness to experience tidak memoderasi pengaruh positif empowering leadership terhadap employee craetivity karyawan sektor perusahaan jasa pengiriman barang wilayah Jawa Timur.
Implikasi penelitian yang bisa diterapkan pada sektor perusahaan jasa pengiriman barang wilayah Jawa Timur yaitu manajemen harus memahami peran penting pemimpin untuk kreativitas dan organisasi harus memerlukan pelatihan kepemimpinan.Kepemimpinan juga harus memberikan kebebasan kepada karyawan untuk terus mengembangkan kemampuannya dengan membaca buku atau kursus online yang bermanfaat dalam memberdayakan potensi dirinya. Manajemen lebih intens untuk mengadakan program pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan khusunya jabatan atau bidang yang membutuhkan krativitas. Terakhir, pemberian reward, baik finansial atau non finansial terhadap karyawan yang memiliki prestasi dalam pekerjaan, seperti pemberian bonus terhadap karyawan yang dapat meningkatkan prestasi kerja dari periode kerja sebelumnya atau tercapainya target perusahaan agar lebih terpacu lagi untuk meningkatkan kinerja kerjanya.
Kata kunci : empowering leaadership, knowledge sharing, employee creativity, openness to experience.
The Industrial Era 4.0 is known for the development of technology in various industrial sectors, easy access to information, and the development of a business environment that has an impact on strategy. This change has made various countries in the world, one of them Indonesia, feel that financial capital alone is not enough to face the turmoil of changes that occur. The purpose of this study was to examining the mediating role of knowledge sharing and moderation of openness to experience in the relationship between empowering leadership and employee creativity in the sector of goods delivery service companies in East Java.
This research uses a quantitative approach, which is collected from a representative population and sample. The overall population in this study are employees of the goods delivery service company sector in East Java, whose numbers cannot be explained clearly (unlimited or infinite). The questionnaire data was distributed to employees who worked in 4 freight forwarding companies from 6 regencies / cities in operational or regional areas in East Java: Surabaya; Sidoarjo; Gresik; Probolinggo; Pasuruan and Mojokerto. The total number of respondents in this study was 100 respondents. The data analysis technique used the SEM-PLS approach with the help of Smart-PLS 3.0 software for inferential analysis of each variable and SPSS 23 for the demographic statistical analysis of respondent characteristics and descriptive analysis of research variables.
Based on the research results, it can be concluded that: (1) empowering leadership has no effect on the employee creativity of employees in the goods shipping service company sector in East Java; (2) empowering leadership has a positive effect on knowledge sharing of employees in the shipping service company sector in East Java; (3) knowledge sharing has a positive effect on employee creativity in the goods delivery service company sector in East Java; (4) knowledge sharing mediates the positive influence of empowering leadership on the employee creativity of employees in the goods delivery service company sector in East Java; (5) openness to experience has a positive effect on employee creativity in the goods delivery service company sector in East Java; (6) openness to experience does not moderate the positive effect of empowering leadership on employee creativity in the sector of goods delivery service companies in the East Java region.
The research implication that can be applied to the goods delivery service company sector in the East Java region are that management must understand the important role of leaders for creativity and organizations must require leadership training. Leadership must also give freedom to employees to continue to develop their abilities by reading books or online courses that are useful in empowering his potential. Management is more intense in holding training and employee development programs, especially positions or fields that require creativity. Lastly, giving rewards, both financial and non-financial to employees who have good performance at work, such as giving bonuses to employees that can improve work performance from previous work periods or achieving company targets so that they are even more motivated to improve their work performance.
Key words : empowering leadership, knowledge sharing, employee creativity, openness to experience