Reperesentasi Single Working Mom Dalam Film Analisis Semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce Pada PRENJAK
Representation of Single Working Mom with Semiotic Analysis of Charles Sanders Pierce on PRENJAK Movie
Peran sebagai single working mom dalam kehidupan berkeluarga memiliki tanggung jawab untuk menghidupi keluarga, sehingga memilih memilih profesi yang tabu sebagai solusinya. Di sisi lain, single working mom juga mendapat stigma direndahkan saat berusaha mencari nafkah. Penelitian ini membahas tentang representasi single working mom dalam film Prenjak. Hal ini dikarenakan fenomena wanita pekerja di Indonesia khususnya di daerah Yogyakarta yang memiliki kesenjangan dan realitas sosial yang mampu dikonstruksi oleh media yang dapat memicu timbulnya suatu stereotip identitas gender. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu analisis semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce. Dalam penelitian ini data diperoleh melalui pemilihan adegan di film Prenjak di mana terdapat unsur-unsur yang berkaitan dengan representasi single working mom. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian representasi single working mom dalam film Prenjak menggunakan analisis semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce peneliti mendapatkan tiga poin utama, yaitu: 1. Sisi trauma wanita ditinggalkan, 2. Martabat Diah sebagai single working mom, 3. Peran Diah sebagai single working mom. Dengan demikian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa dalam struktur masyarakat patriarki masih menjadikan wanita sebagai objek yang lemah, tersakiti, selalu berada di posisi sulit dan tersudutkan. Dalam film Prenjak juga menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai feminisme masih tercermin dari kondisi sosial saat ini, di mana para kaum wanita masih beraada di posisi yang paling rendah.
Kata kunci: film Prenjak, representasi, wanita pekerja, ibu tunggal, semiotika
The role of a single mother who works in marriage has the responsibility to support the family so that choosing a taboo profession as a solution. On the other side, single working mom also had a stigma of humiliated when trying to make sustenance. This research discusses the representation of a single working mom in the Prenjak film. This is due to the phenomenon of working women in Indonesia especially in theYogyakarta area which has inequalities and social realities that can be constructed by the media which can trigger a stereotype of the identity of working women. This research uses a qualitative approach, which an analysis of Charles Sanders Peirce semiotics. In this research, the data were obtained through the selection of scenes in the film Prenjak which contained elements related to the representation of single working mom. Based on the research results of the representation of the single working mom in the film Prenjak using the analysis of Charles Sanders Peirces semiotics, researchers get three main points : 1. The traumatic side of women are abandoned, 2. Diahs dignity as a singleworking mom, 3. Diahs role as a single working mom. Thus it can be concluded that in the structure of a patriarchal society, women are still subject to being weak, hurt, always in a difficult position, and being cornered. This film also shows that the values of feminism are still reflected in the current social conditions, where women are still in the lowest position.
Keyword: Prenjak film, representation, worker woman, a single mother, semiotics.