Tujuan penelitian ini, adalah mengetahui proses perubahan konsepsi dan kognisi dalam mereduksi beban miskonsepsi mahasiswa calon guru kimia melalui strategi CC3R. Subjek penelitian, diambil secara pruposive sampling melalui tes pendeteksi miskonsepsi, menggunakan ionunesa detector dengan metode three tier test diperoleh 6 mahasiswa sasaran yang memiliki karakteristik individu gaya belajar visual verbal seimbang dan model mental rendah pada persepsi dan pemahaman wacana. Metode penelitian, yaitu mixed methods, strategi embedded concurrent design. Teknik pengumpulan data kuantitatif menggunakan pretest-postest design, yaitu tes pendeteksi dan tes retensi dan data kualitatif melalui triangulasi metode yaitu: (1) hasil kerja mahasiswa pada worksheet conceptual change 3R (WCC3R), (2) wawancara, dan (3) dokumentasi (video/foto). Hasil analisis data setiap subjek dalam mereduksi beban miskonsepsi melalui pembelajaran remedial menggunakan strategi conceptual change terintegrasi 3R (CC3R) sebagai berikut: (1) berjalan dengan baik dan berhasil mengungkapkan konsep yang masih misonsepsi pada long term memory (LTM) mahasiswa sasaran, (2) berhasil menciptakan konflik kognitif dengan tingkat kecemasan tinggi sehingga terjadi proses akomodasi, (3) berjalan dengan baik dan berhasil terjadinya proses ekuilibrasi melalui recognition, (4) berjalan dengan baik dan berhasil merekonstruksi konsep dengan benar melalui redintegration (5) terjadi perubahan kognisi dan perubahan konsepsi mahasiswa sasaran secara bertahap melalui strategi CC3R.
The purpose of this study was to know the process of conception and cognition changes in reducing the burden of misconception of prospective chemistry teacher students through the CC3R strategy. Research subjects, namely proposive sampling with detection test of ionuneses detector misconception using tri tier test method obtained by 6 target students. The research method, is mixed methods that is used, embedded concurrent desaign strategy. Quantitative data collection techniques use pretest-posttest design and qualitative data through triangulation of methods: (1) student work on conceptual change 3R (WCC3R) worksheets, (2) interviews, and (3) documentation in the form of video / photos. The results of data analysis for each subject in reducing the burden of misconception through remedial learning outcomes for prospective chemistry teacher students with balanced verbal visual learning style and low mental model on perception and discourse understanding using the integrated 3R conceptual change strategy (CC3R) following: (1) run well and successfully revealed the concept that still misconceptions on long term memory (LTM) of target students, (2) succeeded in creating cognitive conflicts with high levels of anxiety resulting in the process of accommodation, (3) run well and successfully the equilibrium process through recognition, (4) run well and successfully reconstructed the concept correctly through redintegration (5) there were changed of cognition and change of conception of target students gradually through CC3R strategy.