Nasi boran adalah salah satu makanan tradisional khas daerah Kabupaten Lamongan yang khususnya Kecamatan Lamongan Makanan ini biasanya disajikan pada daun pisang dan kertas koran bekas yang dilapisi kertas laminasi dan dibentuk kerucut sehingga terlihat sangat sederhana. Penjamah nasi boran berjualan di tepi jalan dan di pasar sehingga pembeli tidak begitu memperdulikan akan kebersihan pada penyajian nasi boran yang ada di tepi jalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui profil penjamah nasi boran 2) mengetahui kondisi sanitasi bahan dan alat pengolahan nasi boran 3) mengetahui kondisi sanitasi alat penyajian nasi boran 4) mengetahui higiene penjamah, sikap dan pengetahuan penjamah dalam proses pengolahan dan penyajian nasi boran.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, responden penelitian berjumlah 40 penjamah nasi boran. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan pedoman lembar tes pengetahuan, lembar tes sikap, dan lembar observasi. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah angket, tes, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini melalui prosedur bertahap, yaitu analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat dengan menggunakan tabulasi silang.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor predisposisi tidak mempengaruhi higiene sanitasi pada pengolahan dan penyajian nasi boran yang meliputi usia, tingkat pendidikan, pengetahuan, dan sikap.
Kata kunci: Profil Penjamah, Higiene Sanitasi, Faktor Predisposisi, Nasi Boran
"Boran" rice is one of the traditional food typical of "Lamongan" regency which is especially the district of "Lamongan" because the handler rice "boran" is mostly found in "Lamongan "district, so that "boran" rice lesser known by the people outside the district "Lamongan". This food is usually served on banana leaves and used newspaper coated with oil paper and cone shaped so that it looks very simple. The handler rice "boran" sell on the roadside and in the market so that the buyer does not concerned about the cleanliness on the presentation of rice "boran", which is on the edge of the front road. This research aims to 1) know the profile of the handlers boran rice 2) to know the sanitary condition of ingredients and tools "boran" rice processing 3) to know the sanitary condition of tools "boran" rice presentation 4) to know the hygiene of handlers, knowledge and attitudes of handlers in the process and presentation of rice "boran".
The type of this research is descriptive quantitative, the research respondents were 40 "boran" rice. The research instrument use the knowledge questionnaire sheets guidelines, attitude questionnaire sheets, and observation sheets. Data collection techniques are questionnaires, documentation and observation. Data analysis techniques in this study through a gradual procedures, namely univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using crosstabulation.
The results of this research show that the predisposition factors does not affect sanitation hygiene on the processing and serving of rice "Boran" which includes age, level of education, knowledge, and attitude.
Keywords: Aplicant profile, hygiene and sanitation, presdiposition factors, boran rice