Anak tunagrahita ringan perlu diajarkan kemampuan mengenal hewan, agar anak paham perbedaan mendasar antara hewan peliharaan dan hewan liar. Pemahaman anak dapat ditingkatkan melalui pembelajaran di sekolah dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan peranan metode ekspositori terhadap kemampuan belajar IPA pada anak tunaghrahita ringan. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu studi kepustakaan (library research). Sumber data penelitian ini yaitu jurnal terkait metode ekspositori. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis isi dengan menjaga ketepatan dalam pengkajian dilakukan pengecekan ulang antar pustaka. Hasil penelitian metode ekspositori berperan penting dalam pembelajaran IPA mengenal hewan peliharaan dan hewan liar pada anak tunagrahita ringan dengan menerapkan prosedur pengajaran metode ekspositori dengan tepat oleh guru kepada anak tunagrahita ringan agar dapat memahami setiap materi yang diajarkan.
Kata kunci: Metode Ekspositori, Kemampuan belajar IPA, Tunagrahita Ringan.
Children with mental retardation need to be taught the ability to recognize animals, so that children understand the basic differences between pets and wild animals. Children's understanding can be improved through learning in school by using appropriate learning methods. This study aims to describe the role of expository methods on the learning ability of science in mildly retarded children. This type of research is library research (library research). Sources of data in this study are from journals related to the expository method. Data analysis technique used is content analysis by maintaining accuracy in the review carried out re-checking between libraries. The results of the research from the expository method play an important role in learning science to recognize pets and wild animals in mild retarded children by applying the teaching procedure of expository methods appropriately by teachers to mild retarded children in order to understand each material being taught.Keyword: Expository Method, Science Learning Skills, Mild Mental Retardation
Children with mental retardation need to be taught the ability to recognize animals, so that children understand the basic differences between pets and wild animals. Children's understanding can be improved through learning in school by using appropriate learning methods. This study aims to describe the role of expository methods on the learning ability of science in mildly retarded children. This type of research is library research (library research). Sources of data in this study are from journals related to the expository method. Data analysis technique used is content analysis by maintaining accuracy in the review carried out re-checking between libraries. The results of the research from the expository method play an important role in learning science to recognize pets and wild animals in mild retarded children by applying the teaching procedure of expository methods appropriately by teachers to mild retarded children in order to understand each material being taught.
Keyword: Expository Method, Science Learning Skills, Mild Mental Retardation