Suprapto, Agus. 2023. The Effect of Mobile Technology-Assisted Flipped Classroom and
Self-Efficacy on Concept Understanding and Problem Solving Skills in Map
Reading Subject for Marine Corps Officer Formation Education Students . Dissertation,
Postgraduate Educational Technology Study Program, State University of
Surabaya. Mentor: (I) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd. and (II) Dr.
Fajar Arianto, M.Pd
Keyword : Flipped Classroom, Self-Efficacy,
Mobile Technology, Conceptual Understanding, Problem Solving Skills, Map Reading
study aims to determine the influence and interaction of the flipped classroom
model assisted by mobile technology and self-efficacy on conceptual
understanding and problem-solving skills. The type of research used was a quasi
experimental nonequivalent control group with 2x2 factorial design. The
population in this study were all Marine Officer Formation Education students,
Batch 2022/2023 at the Indonesian Marine Corps Infantry Officer School,
totaling 133 people. The results of data analysis using MANOVA show that the
significance level is 0.00 both in the difference test and in the interaction
test, then 0.00 <0.05, which means that H1 is accepted, that is, there are
differences in conceptual understanding and problem solving skills both in
terms of learning models and of self-efficacy, as well as the interaction
between the flipped classroom model and self-efficacy on conceptual
understanding and problem-solving skills. From the post-test data, the mean
score for understanding the concept of the flipped classroom model for students
with high self-efficacy was 15.040 and those with low self-efficacy were
14.929, while in the conventional model students with high self-efficacy were
14.743 and those with low self-efficacy were 12.258. While the average score of
problem solving skills in the flipped classroom model for those with high
self-efficacy is 21,720 and those with low self-efficacy is 21,571, while in
the conventional model students with high self-efficacy are 21,371 and those
with low self-efficacy are 19,194. This means that students' understanding of
concepts and problem-solving skills taught in the flipped classroom model
assisted by mobile technology is higher than those following conventional
learning models, and also proves that there is an interaction between the
flipped classroom model and self-efficacy towards understanding concepts and
problem-solving skills. Because even though students with high self-efficacy
have higher conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills, how high
depends on the learning model used. Thus it can be concluded that the flipped
classroom assisted by mobile technology and self-efficacy has proven to have a
positive effect on conceptual understanding and map-reading problem-solving
skills for Marine Corps Officer Formation Education students.