Rich cake tepung jagung dan mocaf merupakan cake berlemak dengan cita rasa manis, gurih dengan memanfaatkan penggunaan bahan lokal seperti tepung jagung dan tepung mocaf sebagai inovasi produk. Tujuan rekayasa Rich Cake berbahan dasar tepung jagung dan mocaf adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) formula terbaik hasil rekayasa, 2) tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap Rich cake tepung jagung dan mocaf; 3) kandungan gizi berdasarkan perhitungan DKBM, 4) harga jual per potong dengan berat 50 gram.
Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah rekayasa melalui tahapan sebanyak tiga kali di Laboratorium Bakery dan Pastry Jurusan Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Fakultas Teknik UNESA.. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi melalui uji hedonik. Data uji hedonik diperoleh dari sejumlah 30 orang yang terdiri dari 15 panelis terlatih dan 15 panelis semi terlatih Analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan persentase. Sedangkan data kandungan zat gizi dianalisis dengan cara perhitungan manual dengan mengacu pada DKBM. Perhitungan harga jual menggunakan metode conventional dengan penetapan keuntungan 50%.
Hasil rekayasa terbaik menunjukkan bahwa: 1) formula Rich cake tepung jagung dan mocaf terbaik berasal dari penggunaan tepung jagung 60% dan tepung mocaf 40%; 2) tingkat kesukaan panelis yang menyatakan cukup suka sampai suka terhadap: warna sebanyak 24 panelis (80%), aroma sebanyak 20 panelis (68%), pori-pori sebanyak 26 panelis (86%), tekstur sebanyak 22 panelis (74%), rasa sebanyak 25 panelis (84%); 3) kandungan gizi Rich cake tepung jagung dan mocaf per potong dengan berat 50 gram mengandung energi 172.2 kkal, Protein 2.6 gram, lemak 11.7 gram, karbohidrat 12.4 gram, kalsium 14.0 mg, fosfor 46.4 mg; 4) harga jual Rich cake tepung jagung dan mocaf per potong dengan berat 50 gram adalah Rp 2.500.
Kata kunci : Rich Cake, Tepung Jagung, Tepung Mocaf
Rich cake based on corn flour and mocaf is a fatty cake with a sweet taste, Savory by Utilizing the Use of local ingredients such as corn flour and mocaf flour as product innovation. The purpose of making Rich Cake made from corn flour and mocaf is to find out: 1) the best formula, 2) the level of panelists' preference for corn cake and mocaf Rich cake; 3) nutrient content based on DKBM calculations, 4) selling price per piece weighing 50 grams.
The research method was carried out using the engineering method three times in the Bakery and Pastry Laboratory in the Department of Family Welfare Education, Faculty of Engineering, UNESA. The hedonic test data was obtained from a total of 30 people consisting of 15 trained panelists and 15 semi-trained panelists. Data analysis used quantitative descriptive methods with percentages. Whereas nutrient content data were analyzed by means of manual calculations with reference to the DKBM. The calculation of the selling price using the conventional method with the determination of 50% profit.
Engineering results show that: 1) the best formula for corn cake and mocaf flour comes from the use of 60% corn flour and 40% mocaf flour; 2) the level of preference for panelists who say they like it enough to: color24 panelists (80%), 20 panelists (66%), pores 26 panelists (86%), 22 panelists (73%) texture, 25 panelists (83%) taste; 3) the nutritional content of Rich cake corn flour and mocaf per piece weighing 50 grams contains 172.2 kcal of energy, 2.6 grams of protein, 11.7 grams of fat, 12.4 grams of carbohydrates, 14.0 mg of calcium, 14.4 mg of phosphorus; 4) the selling price of Rich Cake corn flour and mocaf per piece weighing 50 grams is Rp 2,500.
Keywords: Rich cake, Corn Flour, Modified Cassava Flour