Pertumbuhan penduduk di Kota Surabaya yang tanpa diimbangi oleh perkembangan lahan menjadikan penduduk mendirikan rumah di pinggiran jalur rel kereta api dengan kondisi dimana hanya berjarak 2-5 meter dari rel kereta api maka akan terkena dampak suara bising dari kereta api. Data pra survei terdapat 34 kereta api melintas dalam setiap harinya di jalur tersebut dan menimbulkan tidak kenyamanan lingkungan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persebaran kebisingan dan bagaimana upaya masyarakat mengantisipasi kebisingan tersebut.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Titik pengukuran yang diperhitungkan berjumlah 10 titik berlokasi di sepanjang permukiman pinggiran rel kereta dengan jarak 3 dan 9 meter disertai kondisi permukiman yang berbeda-beda. Pengukuran menggunakan alat Sound Level Meter. Teknik analisis data menggunakan rumus sesuai KEP- 48/MENLH/11/1996. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian persebaran tingkat kebisingan di waktu siang hari pada jarak 3 meter antara 74.42-72.06 dB (A) sedangkan pada jarak 6 meter antara 71.1-65.15 dB(A). Waktu malam hari pada jarak 3 meter antara 70.69-68.23 dB(A) sedangkan pada jarak 6 meter antara 67.69-61.59 dB(A). Upaya yang dilakukan oleh mayoritas responden adalah berhenti sejenak saat kereta melintas.
Kata Kunci : Persebaran, Tingkat Kebisingan, Upaya Masyarakat
Population growth in the city of Surabaya was not equal to the development of settelments that made them build a house on the outskirts of the railway. The house is only within 2-5 meters of the railroad tracks, the noise from the train will be affected. Pre-survey data found 34 trains crossing each day on the track causing environmental discomfort. The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of noise and how the community's efforts to anticipate the noise.
This study was quantitative descriptive research. Noise Measurement Points was 10 points Located along the edges of the railroad settlements with a distance of 3 and 6 meters as well as the conditions of the settlements that differed in measurements using a Sound Level Meter (SLM) tool.The research sample was 88 respondents from the railroad community. Data were collected formulas according to KEP-48 / MENLH / 11/1996. Data analyzed using descriptive analysis in from the ghrapic.
The results of the study for 4 days, the distribution of the Noise level during the day (LS4) based on distance at a distance of 3 meters has a noise level between 74.42-72.06 dB (A) while at a distance of 6 meters ranges from 71.1 to 65, 15 dB (A) and at night (Lm4) at distance 3 has a Noise level between 70.36 to 68.23 dB (A) while at a distance of 6 Meters between 67.69 - 61.59 dB (A). Efforts made by the majority of respondents were paused when the tran passed.
Keywords: Distribution, Noise Level Community Efforts