Analisis Pola Defense Satria Muda Pada Babak Final Di IBL 2021
Analysis Of Satria Muda Defense Patterns In The 2021 IBL Final
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola defense apa saja yang digunakan oleh Satria Muda pada quarter 1, 2, 3, 4, keberhasilan dan kegagalan pola defense yang di lakukan Satria Muda pada babak final IBL. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Proses menganalis penelitian ini dengan cara mendownload hasil video pertandingan babak final IBL 2021.
Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa: 1) pada pertandingan final IBL 2021 Satria Muda lebih sering menggunakan man to man defense di area 3 point. 2) hasil keseluruhan keberhasilan pola defense pada quarter pertama berhasil 16 kali dengan presentase 30,19%, quarter kedua berhasil 12 kali dengan presentase 22,64%, quarter ketiga berhasil sebanyak 14 kali dengan presentase 26,42%, dan quarter keempat berhasil 11 kali dengan presentase 20,75%, dengan total keseluruhan 53 kali dengan presentase 51,46%. 3) keseluruhan hasil kegagalan pola defense pada quarter pertama gagal 7 kali dengan presentase 14%, quarter kedua gagal 17 kali dengan presentase 34%, quarter ketiga gagal 10 kali dengan presentase 20%, dan quarter keempat gagal 16 kali dengan presentase 32%, dengan total keseluruhan 50 kali dengan presentase 48,54%. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil keseluruhan dari keberhasilan pola defense lebih besar daripada hasil keseluruhan dari kegagalan pola defense.
Kata Kunci: IBL 2021, Bolabasket, Defense.
This study aims to analyze what defense patterns are used by Satria Muda in quarters 1, 2, 3, 4, the success and failure of the defense patterns used by Satria Muda in the IBL final round. The type of research used is quantitative descriptive analysis. The process of analyzing this research is by downloading the video results of the IBL 2021 final round of matches.
The results of this study show that: 1) in the 2021 IBL final match, Satria Muda more often uses man to man defense in the 3 point area. 2) the overall results of the successful defense pattern in the first quarter were 16 times with a percentage of 30.19%, the second quarter was successful 12 times with a percentage of 22.64%, the third quarter was successful 14 times with a percentage of 26.42%, and the fourth quarter succeeded 11 times with a percentage of 20.75%, for a total of 53 times with a percentage of 51.46%. 3) the overall results of the failure of the defense pattern in the first quarter failed 7 times with a percentage of 14%, the second quarter failed 17 times with a percentage of 34%, the third quarter failed 10 times with a percentage of 20%, and the fourth quarter failed 16 times with a percentage of 32%, with a total of 50 times with a percentage of 48.54%. So it can be concluded that the overall result of the success of the defense pattern is greater than the overall result of the failure of the defense pattern.
Keywords: IBL 2021, Basketball, Defense.