Evaluasi Kinerja Pondok Pesantren Darul Quran Mojokerto Dengan Metode The Performance Prism
Performance Evaluation of Darul Quran Mojokerto Islamic Boarding School Using The Performance Prism Method
Jumlah pondok pesantren di Indonesia adalah 27.722 dan jumlah santri 4.174.146 santri merupakan potensi yang sangat besar yang jumlahnya selalu meningkat dari tahun ketahun. Kenyataan sampai saat ini masih sangat sedikit pondok pesantren yang melakukan evaluasi dengan mengukur kinerjanya, bahkan pengukuran dengan metode the performance prism belum pernah dilakukan. Demikian juga di Pondok Pesantren Darul Quran (PPDQ) Mojokerto ini pengukuran dan evaluasi kinerjanya belum pernah dilakukan. PPDQ adalah lembaga milik Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) di Kota Mojokerto yang relatif baru berdiri dengan sistim kepengasuhan yang bersifat kolektif beberapa kyai pengasuh yang menerapkan pembelajaran yang komprehensif antara muatan umum, muatan agama sebagai ciri khas pondok pesantren, muatan yang fokus menghafal Al Quran serta penggunaan bahasa pengantar bahasa Arab dan Inggris sehari hari para santri. PPDQ sudah mencapai beberapa prestasi yang cukup bagus meskipun relatif baru (baru dua kali meluluskan jenjang SMA) dengan kepadatan beban santri yang cukup tinggi.
Metode penelitian menggunakan mixed method dengan porsi kualitatif yang dominan. Pengolahan data kuantitatif menggunakan program komputer software Expert Choice 11 sebagai hasil Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), dan penyajian data menggunakan objective matrix. Penggunaan the performance prism digunakan karena metode ini berangkatnya dari penjabaran keinginan stakeholder utama lembaga dan belum pernah dipakai sebagai metode evaluasi kinerja pondok pesantren di Indonesia selama ini. Lima sisi prisma di the performance prism adalah stakeholder satisfaction, stakeholder contribution, strategi lembaga, proses operasional lembaga dan capability yang disediakan lembaga. Penjabaran stakeholder satisfaction menghasilkan objectives lembaga yang setiap item objective ditentukan key performance indicatornya.
Total Key Performance Indicator (KPI) hasil verifikasi sejumlah 32 KPI yang dihasilkan dari penjabaran masing masing objective setelah mendapatkan keinginan masing masing stakeholder utama yang berjumlah 5. Hasil aggregate value total KPI diperoleh indikator pencapaian kinerja lembaga secara keseluruhan pada saat ini (current) adalah sebesar 465,5 dari maksimum nilai 1000. Ada 9 KPI yang kategorinya kinerjanya baik dan 12 KPI berkinerja sedang serta 11 KPI yang hasilnya kurang. Sebagai penyempurnaan evaluasi ditawarkan adanya continuous evaluation cycle yang bisa dilakukan untuk pondok pondok pesantren secara luas.
Key word : performance measurement; stakeholder; performance prism; key performance indicator.
The number of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia is 27,722 and the number of santri 4,174,146. It is a huge potential numbers and always increase from year to year. The reality is that until now there are very few Islamic boarding schools that evaluate by measuring their performance, even the measurement using the performance prism method has never been done. Likewise in Pondok Pesantren Darul Quran (PPDQ) Mojokerto (Darul Quran Islamic Boarding School), the measurement and evaluation of its performance has never been done. PPDQ is an organization owned by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Mojokerto City, which is relatively new, established with a collective system of a number of kyai caregivers who implement comprehensive learning between national content, religious content as characteristic of Islamic boarding schools, content that focuses on memorizing the Qur'an (tahfizh) and the utilization of language in Arabic and English for everyday students conversation. PPDQ has achieved some good achievements although it is relatively new (only twice graduated from high school) with a fairly high density daily task of students activities.
The research method used was mixed methods with a dominant qualitative approach. Quantitative data processing uses Expert Choice 11 computer software programs as a result of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and the disply of data using an objective matrix (OMAX). The performance prism method is used because this method departs from the elaboration of the wishes of the main stakeholders of the institution and has never been used as a method of evaluating the performance of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia so far. The five facets in the performance prism are stakeholder satisfaction, stakeholder contribution, institutional strategy, the operational process of the institution and the capability that provided by the institution. The description of stakeholder satisfaction produces institutional objectives for which each objective item is determined by its key performance indicator (KPI).
Total Key Performance Indicator (KPI) result was 32 KPI from the elaboration of each objective after obtaining the wishes or satisfaction of each of the 5 main stakeholders. The aggregate value of the total KPI is obtained as an indicator of the achievement of overall institutional performance at the moment (current) is equal to 465.5 from maximum value of 1000. There are 9 KPIs which have good performance categories and 12 medium-performing KPIs and 11 KPIs with poor results. Finally, as refinement of the evaluation, a continuous evaluation cycle is suggested that can be carried out for another pondok pesantren.