Kelayakan Tes Konsepsi Geometri Molekul dan Worksheet of Conceptual Change untuk Siswa Imajinasi Rendah
Feasibility of Molecular Geometry Conception Tests and Worksheet of Conceptual Change for Low Imagination Students
Materi geometri molekul bersifat abstrak dan memerlukan kecerdasan visual-spasial agar memiliki kemampuan imajinasi dengan baik pada proses tingkat sub-mikroskopik. Upaya mereduksi miskonsepsi geometri molekul dengan karakteristik siswa membutuhkan tindakan segera. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan instrumen tes konsepsi geometri molekul (TK-GM) dan perangkat worksheet of conceptual change (WCC) yang layak digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi status konsepsi siswa dan mereduksi miskonsepsi geometri molekul pada siswa berkemampuan imajinasi rendah. Desain penelitian menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate). Kriteria kelayakan mengacu kepada rekomendasi Plomp dan Nieveen (2010) yaitu validitas, kepraktisan, dan efektivitas. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Tesis ini menyajikan hasil validasi TK-GM dan WCC ditinjau dari validitas konstruk dan validitas isi, hasil kepraktisan WCC ditinjau dari angket respon siswa pengguna WCC berjumlah 20 siswa, dan hasil efektivitas WCC ditinjau dari pergeseran status miskonsepsi siswa menjadi paham konsep. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) TK-GM dan WCC yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi syarat validitas konstruk dan isi dengan mayoritas nilai modus tertinggi 4 (sangat valid) untuk TK-GM dan WCC dengan mayoritas nilai modus tertinggi 5 (sangat valid); (2) WCC yang dikembangkan mendapatkan respon positif dan dapat dinyatakan telah memenuhi syarat kepraktisan 95,71% dengan kategori sangat baik; dan (3) WCC pada konsep VSEPR, hibridisasi, polaritas molekul (molekul polar), dan polaritas molekul (molekul non-polar) dapat dinyatakan efektif karena mayoritas siswa berhasil diubah konsepsinya menjadi paham konsep melalui tahapan strategi conceptual change yang diadministrasikan dalam bentuk worksheet secara berturut-turut 90%, 90%, 95%, dan 95%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa instrumen TK-GM dan perangkat keempat WCC layak digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi status konsepsi siswa dan mereduksi miskonsepsi geometri molekul pada siswa berkemampuan imajinasi rendah.
Kata-kata Kunci: kelayakan, tes konsepsi, worksheet of conceptual change, imajinasi rendah.
Molecular geometry material is abstract and requires visual-spatial intelligence in order to have the ability to properly imagine at the sub-microscopic level processes. Efforts to reduce misconceptions of molecular geometry with student characteristics require immediate action. This study aims to produce a molecular geometry conception test instrument (TK-GM) and a worksheet of conceptual change (WCC) tool that are suitable for identifying the status of students' conceptions and reducing misconceptions of molecular geometry in students with low imagination abilities. The research design uses a 4-D development model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). The eligibility criteria refer to the recommendations of Plomp and Nieveen (2010), namely validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The research data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively and qualitatively. This thesis presents the results of the TK-GM and WCC validation in terms of construct validity and content validity, the results of the practicality of the WCC in terms of student response questionnaires totaling 20 students, and the results of WCC effectiveness in terms of shifting the status of students misconceptions to understanding concepts. The results showed: (1) TK-GM and WCC developed had met the validity requirements of the construct and content with the majority of the highest mode values were 4 (very valid) for TK-GM and WCC with the majority of the highest mode scores were 5 (very valid); (2) the developed WCC received a positive response and it can be stated that it has met the practicality requirements of 95.71% in the very good category; and (3) WCC on the VSEPR concept, hybridization, molecular polarity (polar molecules), and molecular polarity (non-polar molecules) can be declared effective because the majority of students have successfully changed their conceptions to understand the concept through the stages of the conceptual change strategy which are administered in the form of a worksheet. 90%, 90%, 95%, and 95%, respectively. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the TK-GM instrument and the four WCC instruments are suitable to be used to identify students' conception status and reduce misconceptions of molecular geometry in students with low imagination abilities.
Keywords: feasibility, conception test, worksheet of conceptual change, low imagination.