Tesis ini berjudul implementasi strategi Work-Based Learning (WBL) dalam pelatihan teller Bina BNI untuk membangun keterampilan karir (career skills) di BNI Corporate University. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan teknis dan non-teknis para peserta dan untuk mengeksplorasi serta menganalisis efektivitas strategi WBL agar dapat memenuhi standar layanan perbankan profesional yang ditetapkan oleh PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode observasi partisipatif dan wawancara semi- terstruktur, penelitian ini mengevaluasi proses pelatihan
berbasis kerja yang menggabungkan teori dan praktik langsung di lapangan serta mendapatkan pemahaman yang mendalam mengenai penerapan strategi Work Based Learning.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode WBL berkontribusi signifikan terhadap peningkatan keterampilan, motivasi, dan perilaku peserta pelatihan. Mereka mampu mengembangkan keterampilan dalam bertransaksi, serta sikap profesional yang sesuai dengan budaya kerja BNI. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi signifikan bagi pengembangan program pelatihan di BNI dan institusi pendidikan lainnya yang menerapkan metode serupa serta dapat merekomendasikan pengembangan lebih lanjut pada evaluasi program untuk memaksimalkan efektivitas metode WBL dalam membangun tenaga kerja yang kompeten dan siap kerja di sektor perbankan.
Kata Kunci : Work Based Learning (WBL), Ketrampilan Karier, Pelatihan Teller
This thesis is entitled implementation of the Work-Based Learning (WBL) strategy in Bina BNI teller training to build career skills at BNI Corporate University. This training aims to improve the participants' technical and non-technical skills and to explore and analyze the effectiveness of WBL strategies in order to meet professional banking service standards set by PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Using a qualitative approach with participatory observation methods and semi-structured interviews, this research
evaluates the work-based training process that combines theory and direct practice in the field and obtains an in- depth understanding of the implementation of Work Based Learning strategies.
The research results show that the WBL method contributes significantly to improving the skills, motivation and behavior of training participants. They are able to develop skills in transactions, as well as a professional attitude that is in accordance with BNI's work culture. Thus, it is hoped that this research can make a significant contribution to the development of training programs at BNI and other educational institutions that apply similar methods and can recommend further development of program evaluation to maximize the effectiveness of the WBL method in building a workforce that is competent and ready to work in the banking sector. .
Keywords: Work Based Learning (WBL), Career Skills, Teller Training