Implementasi Genre Based Approach dalam Pengajaran Teks Recount untuk Mengembangkan Kompetensi Menulis Siswa
The Implementation of Genre Based Approach in Teaching Recount Text to Promote Students’ Writing Competence
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Genre Based Approach diimplementasikan, Genre-Based Approach dapat mengembangkan kompetensi menulis siswa atau tidak, dan untuk mengetahui respon mereka terhadap metode tersebut. Peneliti mendesain penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengetahui perkembangan siswa dalam menulis dan metode kualitatif digunakan untuk mengetahui bagaimana GBA diimplementasikan serta mengetahui respon siswa terhadap metode tersebut. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 1 SMA. Terdapat 25 partisipan yang secara aktif berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Data dikumpulkan dengan mengadakan tes (pre dan post tes), observasi serta memberikan kuisioner. Data dianalisa menggunakan SPSS untuk memudahkan dalam menemukan hasil. Hasil pertama dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa Genre Based Approach diimplementasikan dengan baik. Semua tahap telah diimplementasikan dari BKOF (Building Knwledge of Field), MOT (Modelling of the Text), JCOT (Join Construction of Text), dan ICOT (Independent Construction of the Text). Kedua, pengimplementasian GBA dapat mendukung kompetensi menulis siswa karena nilai ρ (two-tailed) menunjukkan .000 yang kurang dari 0.05. Hal tersebut berarti bahwa terdapat efek yang signifikan dari GBA terhadap kepenulisan siswa. Terakhir, beberapa siswa terbantu dengan metode ini terutama dalam memahami sebuah teks. Beberapa dari mereka juga terbantu dibeberapa aspek yang berbeda seperti memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks unsur-unsur kebahasaan dan lain-lain.
Kata kunci: implementasi, menulis, genre-based approach.
The aims of this research are to know how Genre Based approach is implemented, Genre Based Approach can promote students’ writing competence or not and to know their responses towards it. The researcher designed this research using quantitative method and qualitative method. Quantitative method was used to know students’ improvement in writing and qualitative method was used to know how GBA was implemented and students’ response towards it. Subjects of this research were 1st grade students of senior high school. There were 25 participants who actively participated in this research. The data were collected by conducting tests (pre and post-test), doing observation and giving questionnaire. The data were analyzed using SPSS to make it easier to find the result. The first result of this research was that Genre Based Approach was implemented well. All stages were implemented from BKOF (Building Knowledge of Field), MOT (Modelling of the Text), JCOT (Join Construction of the Text) and ICOT (Independent Construction of the Text). Secondly, the implementation of GBA could promote students’ writing competence because the ρ (two-tailed) showed .000 which was less than 0.05. It means that there was significant effect of GBA towards students’ writing. Last, some students were helped with this method especially in understanding a text. Some of them also were helped in different aspects such as understanding the social function, structure of the text, language features and etc.
Keywords: implementation, writing, genre-based approach.