Ardhyan Dwi Nurcahyo. 2022. Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Berintegrasi Penalaran Induktif Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Spasial Pada Materi Mitigasi Bencana. Tesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi, Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Pembimbing (I) Dr. Ketut Prasetyo, M.S..,(II) Dr. Sukma Perdana Prasetya,S.Pd., M.T
Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran berbasis masalah berintegrasi penalaran induktif, Discovery Learning, kemampuan berfikir spasial.
Penelitian ini bertujuan Mengetahui pembelajaran bebasis masalah berintegrasi penalaran Induktif dapat meningkatkan spatial thingking materi mitigasi bencana dan Mengetahui adanya perbedaan pembelajaran berbasis masalah berintegrasi penalaran induktif terhadap spatial thinking pada materi mitigasi bencana. Jenis Penelitian Quasi-Experimental Design dengan Non equivalent pre-test – posttest control group design. Pembelajaran dilaksanakan di SMAN 2 Ponorogo Kab. Ponorogo Kelas XI IPS 1 dan XI IPS 2 pada materi mitigasi bencana. Kemampuan Berfikir Spasial diukur menggunakan tes tertulis dengan instrument pengumpulan data berupa soal uraian yang terdiri dari 8 indikator yaitu Comparasion, Auraa, Regionn, Hierarchy, Transition, Analogy, Patternn, Assosiation. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik analisis data, uji keseimbangan, uji paired sample t test, uji N-Gain, uji Independent sample T test.
Dari hasil penelitian rerata nilai pretest kemampuan berfikir spasial peserta didik kelas eksperiment mean 63.7 dan kelas kontrol 66.2. pertemuan keempat diberikan posttest mendapatkan kelas eksperiment 89.5 dan kelas kontrol 77.2. Berdasarkan uji prasyarat analisis, data kemampuan berfikir spasial berdistribusi normal dan homogen. setelah diketahui rata rata dilakukan uji paired sample t test untuk mengetahui peningkatan signifkan sebelum dan sesudah threatmen, eksperime dibuktikan d koefisien p value = 0.000 < 0.05 serta nilai t hitung = 17.06 > t tabel = 0.204. kelas kontrol koefisien p value = 0.000 < 0.05 serta nilai t hitung = 14.15 > t tabel = 0.203. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan dan keefektifan. Hasil nilai uji independent sample t-test koefisien p value = 0.01 < 0.05 serta koefisie t hitung = 6.61 > t tabel = 2.00. Perlakuan pembelajaran berbasis masalah (pbl) memberikan pengaruh yang lebih besar dibandingkan Discovery Learning dibuktikan dengan mean PBL = 89.55 > mean Dlearning = 77.22. untuk mengetahui kefektifan menggunakan N-Gain. Kelas Eksperiment mendapatkan nilai N-gain 0.71 Tinggi dan Kelas kontrol N-Gain 0.33. Uji hipotesis terjadi peningkatan kemampuan berfikir spasial menggunakan Pbl berintegrasi penalaran induktif dan discovery learning. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dapat disimpulkan Pbl berintegrasi penalaran induktif memiliki pengaruh signifikan dan keefektifan tinggi dibandingkan dengan discovery learning terhadap kemampuan berfikir spasial peserta didik.
Ardhyan Dwi Nurcahyo. 2022. Application of Problem-Based Learning Integrated Inductive Reasoning in Improving Spatial Thinking Skills in Disaster Mitigation Materials. Thesis, Geography Education Study Program, Postgraduate State University of Surabaya, Supervisor (I) Dr. Ketut Prasetyo, M.S.,(II) Dr. Sukma Perdana Prasetya, S.Pd., M.T
Keywords: Problem-based learning that integrates inductive reasoning, Discovery Learning, spatial thinking skills.
This study aims to find out problem-based learning that integrates inductive reasoning can improve spatial thinking on disaster mitigation materials and to find out the differences in problem-based learning that integrates inductive reasoning with spatial thinking in disaster mitigation materials. This type of research is Quasi-Experimental Design with Non equivalent pre-test – posttest control group design. Learning is carried out at SMAN 2 Ponorogo Kab. Ponorogo Class XI IPS 1 and XI IPS 2 on disaster mitigation materials. Spatial Thinking Ability was measured using a written test with data collection instruments in the form of description questions consisting of 8 indicators, namely Comparasion, Auraa, Regionn, Hierarchy, Transition, Analogy, Patternn, Association. In this study using data analysis techniques, balance test, paired sample t test, N-Gain test, Independent sample T test.
From the results of the study, the average pretest value of the spatial thinking ability of students in the experimental class was 63.7 and the control class was 66.2. the fourth meeting was given a posttest to get an experimental class of 89.5 and a control class of 77.2. Based on the analysis prerequisite test, the spatial thinking ability data is normally distributed and homogeneous. After knowing the average, a paired sample t test was carried out to find out a significant increase before and after the threatmen, the experiment was proven by d coefficient p value = 0.000 < 0.05 and t count = 17.06 > t table = 0.204. control class coefficient p value = 0.000 < 0.05 and the value of t count = 14.15 > t table = 0.203. To know the difference and effectiveness. The results of the independent sample t-test test value, the coefficient of p value = 0.01 < 0.05 and the coefficient of t arithmetic = 6.61 > t table = 2.00. Problem-based learning (pbl) treatment has a greater effect than Discovery Learning as evidenced by the mean PBL = 89.55 > mean D-learning = 77.22. to determine the effectiveness of using N-Gain. The Experiment class got a high N-gain value of 0.71 and the control class N-Gain 0.33. Testing the hypothesis that there is an increase in spatial thinking skills using PBL that integrates inductive reasoning and discovery learning. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that PBL integrated with inductive reasoning has a significant and high effectiveness compared to discovery learning on students' spatial thinking skills.