The Implementation of Interdisiplinary Approach in Teaching and Learning Activity in Junior High School: Case Study of Social Study in SMP Miftahurrohman Gresik
Name : Abdulloh Arif Wibowo
NIM : 20041344070
Study Program : S-1
Departement : Social Sciences Education
Faculty : Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
University : State University of Surabaya
Advisor : Dr. Sukma Perdana Prasetya, S.Pd., M.T.
The current implementation of social studies education often uses a monodisciplinary approach, social studies learning should be better taught using an interdisciplinary approach. This research aims to determine and describe the implementation of an interdisciplinary approach in social studies learning, analyze the obstacles faced by educators, and analyze solutions in implementing an interdisciplinary approach in social studies learning. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative using the case study method. The data collection
observation techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation which were analyzed using the steps of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of observations at Miftahurrohman Middle School found the main problems in social studies learning, including the prominence of geography and sociology material, while economic material was weak. The results of the research show that social studies learning with an interdisciplinary approach at Miftahurrohman Middle School has been implemented, but in practice it is still not perfect. This is due to lack of optimal time management as a result of several factors, namely, the readiness of students to receive different knowledge, the educational background of educators, and the lack of facilities and infrastructure that support during learning activities.
Keywords: Interdisciplinary, social studies learning, Gresik Middle School