Pengembangan Media CORD (Couple Card) untuk Mengembangkan Keterampilan Menulis Siswa Kelas II Sekolah Dasar.
Development of CORD Media (Couple Card) to Develop Student's Writing Skills in Second Grade Elementary School
CORD (Couple Card) adalah media yang dikembangkan sebagai solusi untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa materi ungkapan. Ungkapan dan maknanya tidak mudah dihadirkan secara konkret dan membutuhkan gambaran. Permainan couple card dipilih karena bisa menggambarkan ungkapan, sesuai potensi sekola, dan dapat dimainkan siswa seacara umum. Tujuan pengembangan mengetahui kelayakan produk media CORD (Couple Card). Kelayakan peroduk media CORD (Couple Card) ditinjau dari dari segi kevalidan media, kevalidan materi, kefeektifan media, dan kepraktisan media. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitina dan pengembangan dengan desain penelitian dengan lima tahapan. Tahap pertama yakni potensi masalah dan pengumpulan data, kedua pengembangan media, ketiga validasi media dan uji coba, kelima produk final. Berdasarkan tahapan tersebut maka diperoleh hasil persentase kelayakan media sebesar 96,42% yang berarti sangat valid, kelayakan materi yakni 81,81% yang berarti valid, keefektifan media sebesar 80% yang berarti efektif, dan kepraktisan media sebesar 91,96% yang berarti sangat praktis dan dapat digunakan sehari-hari untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa.
Kata kunci: media, couple card, keterampilan menulis.
CORD (Couple Card) is a media that developed as a solution to improve students' writing skills on phrasing lesson. The prhrasing and their meanings are not easily presented in a concrete way and require an illustration. The couple card game was chosen because it caoud illustrate the prhasing, fits the potential of the school and can be played by students in general. The development objective is to determine the feasibility of CORD (Couple Card) media products. The feasibility of CORD (Couple Card) media products is reviewed in terms of media validity, material validity, media effectiveness, and media practicality. The method used is research and development with a research design with five stages. The first stage is potential problems and data collection, the second is media development, the third is media validation and testing, and the fifth is the final product. Based on these stages, the results obtained are the percentage of media feasibility of 96.42% which means it is very valid, the feasibility of the material is 81.81% which means it is valid, the effectiveness of the media is 80% which means it is effective, and the practicality of the media is 91.96% which means very practical and can be used daily to improve students' writing skills.
Key words: media, couple card, writing skills.