Communication strategy is a way of communicating that
is useful in a change, one of which is empowerment carried out by the
government in achieving a welfare. In Blitar district s , there are areas that have the
potential of agro-tourism villages, namely " Starfruit village
tourism" located on Jl. Belimbing No. 27 Karangsari Village and has been introduced
since 2003. In the past ,
the community considered that the potential and yield of star fruit commodities
could not meet their needs, this then encouraged the government to empower the
community. Now , Karangsari
starfruit agro-tourism village has more than 35,000 trees with yields of 5,600
tons per-year. The community and members of the Margo Mulyo Farmer Group also
process star fruit into lunkhead, fruit juice, sweets, syrup and star fruit
chips and have earned Rp. 22.4 billion per-year. Karangsari Starfruit has now
developed into the mascot of Blitar City.
This study aims to find out how the communication
strategy of the Blitar city government is in the community empowerment program
in Karangsari village through the agro-tourism of the belimbing village. The
research method used is qualitative descriptive and case study analysis. Data
collection techniques were carried out by interviews and documentation which
would then be analyzed with the strategic stages of Hafied Cangara including
planning, implementation and evaluation.
The results showed that the communication strategy
used by the Blitar city government in Karangsari Village was carried out
through official services that had their respective main tasks and functions.
Among them are the Department of Tourism with a communication strategy through
tourism promotion facilities, the Cooperative and UMKM Service by procedurally
disseminating information on processed products from the production process to
marketing techniques, the Agriculture Service by providing agricultural
training and subsidized fertilizer to support the productivity of star fruit
plants, as well as the Office Trade that provides counseling related to product
management including business legality and business licensing processes.
Keywords: Communication
Strategies, Agro-tourism, Community