This performance
evaluation activity was carried out to examine and assess the performance of
Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in Bulugunung Village, Plaosan District,
Magetan Regency towards improving the economy in the village. In this research, the researcher wants to
know how the performance of BUMDes is evaluated towards improving the economy
in the village
This research uses the theory put forward by Daniel L. Stufflebeam, namely
the CIPP model evaluation theory (context, input, process, product). This
research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The resource persons
for this research were the Head of Bulugunung Village, the Secretary of
Bulugunung Village, the Director of BUMDes Sri Rejeki, the Secretary of BUMDes
Sri Rejeki, and the Treasurer of BUMDes Sri Rejeki. The primary data sources
for this research are interviews, observation, documentation. The secondary
data sources for this research are applicable regulations, as well as other
literature data. Data collection techniques in this research were interviews,
documentation and observation and used purposive sampling techniques. The data
analysis techniques used in this research are data reduction, data
presentation, and drawing conclusions
The results obtained in this research are: a. context, the goals of BUMDes,
vision and mission have not yet been achieved and every program that will be
implemented requires a needs analysis; b. BUMDes inputs, programs or business
units are running but are not yet in accordance with those stipulated in the
activity plan plus there is no SOP and lack of responsibility within BUMDes
internally; c. process, in the BUMDes problem indicators and those in charge of
the program/business unit there are complex root problems, especially regarding
the lack of communication and coordination both with internal BUMDes and with
the village government and reinforced by the lack of programs BUMDes factors ;
d. product, the indicators of the results of BUMDes achievements are not yet in
accordance with the targets set in the BUMDes Guidebook so that they have not
been able to provide significant impacts or benefits to improve the economy in
the village as well as the absence of BUMDes accountability reports, which
should be the BUMDes obligation to report reports. to the village government.
Keywords : Human Resources, Performance Evaluation,