Kurniawati, Dewi.
2025. “The Influence of
Implementing Project Based Learning (PjBL) in IPAS Learning on the Problem
Solving Ability and Self-Efficacy of SMKN 4 Bojonegoro Student” Thesis, Technology and Vocational Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Surabaya State University, Advisor: (I) Dr. Lutfiyah
Hidayati, S.Pd., M.Pd. dan
(II) Junaidi Budi Prihanto, S.KM., M.KM., Ph.D.
Keywords: Project Based Learning (PjBL), problem solving abilities, Self Efficacy
Proyek IPAS subject at SMK is an integration of natural
sciences and social sciences where teachers facilitate students' learning needs
by providing case examples and collaboration space for problem solving. Several
factors that influence the ability to solve problems include self-confidence
which are related to self-efficacy. One innovative model that is able to
actively involve students and contribute to the learning process so that it can
improve students' problem solving abilities and self-efficacy is the Project Based
Learning (PjBL) model. The purpose of this research is to analyze 1) the effect
of applying PjBL learning in IPAS lessons on students' problem solving
abilities, 2) the effect of applying PjBL learning in IPAS lessons on students'
self-efficacy, 3) the effect of applying PjBL learning in IPAS lessons on
problem solving abilities and students' self-efficacy.
The type of research used is quantitative research with
quasi-experimental methods, the design used is non-equivalent group