This research purposeis to examine the effect and calculate impact of learning media based on Kipin School application 4.0 for creative thinking ability students in X IPS 2 SMA Labschool Unesa, Surabaya. .This research uses quantitative approach with Pre-Experimental research design and One-Shot Case Study experiment method. Analysis data used simple linear regression, that is Y= 30,872 + 0,655.To examine the relation between X and Y variable, accordingly do correlation product moment test that purpose to get the results of two side hypothesis test and compare RCount 0, 714 > RTable 0.381.This results indicate there is effect between two variables. Value of RCount (+) and is in Ha acquisition area, so that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. From the correlation product moment test, known that the correlation coefficient value is 0.714 or in good category, significance is 0.000<0.05, means that data has significant effect.The effect in this research can be seen from R Square in summary table model with 0,510 value or 51% percentage. Overmeasure 0,490 value or 49% percentage is factor that not examine in this research, which is student learning motivation.Can be concluded that learning media based on Kipin School application 4.0 gave positive and significant effect to creative thinking ability student, which is 51% value and also influencing five indicators of student creative thinking (Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, Elaboration, and Evaluation) with 60,69% average rate percentage. This evidenced by the post-test average values and questionnaire, that when applying learning media based on Kipin School 4.0, student can represent their ability with produce many answers, present varying ideas, creating some unique and new expression, increase details of an answer, and also can decide validity of statement or consistency in bring about the right answer.
Keywords: Learning Media, Kipin School, Creative Thingking