The Relationship Between Nutritional Status And Sosio economic Status On Students’ Physical Activity During The Covid-19
Adhi Wicaksono, Radityo. 2021. Hubungan Status Gizi Dan Status Sosial Ekonomi Terhadap Aktifitas Fisik Siswa Selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19. Tesis, Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Olahraga, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. Nanik Indahwati, M.Or dan (II) Dr. Abdul Rachman Syam Tuasikal, M.Pd
Kata Kunci: Pandemi Covid 19, Status Gizi, Status Sosial, Aktifitas Fisik
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status gizi dan status sosial terhadap aktifitas fisik siswa SDN Pacarkeling 10 Surabaya selama masa Pandemi Covid 19. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian korelasional dengan menggunakan dua variabel bebas (status gizi dan status sosial) dan satu variabel terikat (aktifitas fisik). Dalam penelitian ini mengambil sampel dari suatu populasi yang berjumlah 60 orang dengan menggunakan metode cluster random sampling. Tempat dan waktu penelitian bertempat di SDN Pacarkeling 10 Surabaya yang terletak di Jalan Gubeng Masjid II no. 12 Kecamatan Tambaksari Kota Surabaya pada bulan Januari – Februari 2021 yang merupakan semester genap tahun ajaran 2020/ 2021. Peneliti menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat utama dalam mengumpulkan data.
Hasil penelitian yang didapat dari status gizi yaitu 49 siswa gizi berlebih dan 11 siswa obesitas, jadi rata-rata status gizi siswa adalah gizi berlebih (overweight). Untuk status sosial ekonomi orang tua siswa bervariasi, berkategori sangat kurang 7 orang, kurang 16 orang, cukup 21 orang, baik 10 orang, dan sangat baik 6 orang. Jadi rata-rata status sosial ekonomi orang tua siswa adalah cukup. Dan aktifitas fisik siswanya berkategori kurang sekali 9 orang, kurang 32 orang, cukup 14 orang, baik 5 orang, dan baik sekali 1 orang. Sehingga rata-rata aktifitas fisik siswa adalah kurang.
Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan yang signifikan antara status gizi dengan aktifitas fisik siswa, ada hubungan yang signifikan antara status sosial ekonomi orang tua dengan aktifitas fisik siswa, dan secara simultan status gizi dan status sosial tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan.
Adhi Wicaksono, Radityo. 2021. The Relationship Between Nutritional Status And Sosioeconomic Status On Students’ Physical Activity During The Covid-19 Pandemic. Thesis, Sports Education Master Study Program, Continuing Program Development Surabaya State University. Advisor: (I) Dr. Nanik Indahwati, M.Or and (II) Dr. Abdul Rahman Syam Tuasikal, M.Pd
Keywords: Pandemic Covid 19, Nutritional Status, Social Status, Physical Activity
This research aims to determine the relationship of nutritional status and social status on the students’ physical activity in SDN Pacarkeling 10 Surabaya during the pandemic Covid 19. This type of research is correlational research using two independent variables (nutritional status and social status) and one dependent variable ( physical activity). In this research took samples from the population of 60 people using the cluster random sampling method. The place and time of the research took place at SDN Pacarkeling 10 Surabaya, which was located at Jalan Gubeng Masjid II no. 12 Tambak Sari District, Surabaya on January - February 2021, the odd semester in the academic year the 2020/2021. The researchers used a questionnaire as the main tool in collecting data.
The results obtained from the nutritional status were 49 students with overweight and 11 students with obesity, so the average nutritional status of the students was overweight. For socioeconomic status from their parents on students physical activity were the category of very less 7 people, less 16 people, only 21 people, good 10 people, and very good 6 people. So the average socioeconomic status of the students' parents was sufficient. And the physical activity of the students was categorized as less than 9 people, 32 people less, just 14 people, good 5 people, and very good 1 person. So, the average physical activity of students was less.
The conclusion in this research is there is a significant relationship of nutritional status and physical activity of students, there is a significant relationship between the socioeconomic status of parents and students’ physical activity, and for simultaneously nutritional status and social status have no significant relationship.