This research aims was to
classify and describe the forms of cohasion devices in Morgenpost online news
articles. The news theme used is Covid 19 with 4
different titles as data sources,
there are Wie lange hält die Corona-Impfung?Booster wegen Delta-Variante? On 28 June, Corona-Zahlen
steigen Droht Lockdown für Ungeimpfte? On 7 September, Warum dieser Artz auch Kinder unter zwölf Jahren impft on 14 September, and
Novavax-Impfstoff hat großen Vorteil-Besser als Biontech? on 18 September
2021. This
research used a qualitative research approach with descriptive methods. The data have been collected and recorded in the
form of words and sentences which relevant to the research. The form of
cohesion marker according to Linke (1996) includes Rekurrenz, Substitution, Pro
Formen, Bestimmter und unbestimmter Artikel, Situation Deixis, Ellipse,
Explizite Textverknüpfung, Tempus and Konjunktionen. Based on the result of the
research, there are five cohasion that used, there are Pro Formen, Rekkurenz,
Substitution, Konjunktionen, and Bestimmter und unbestimmter Artikel. In
addition to cohesion markers, there are also coherence devices found in the
news text to achieve coherent discourse in this research, include repetition,
pronoun, and additional information.
Keywords: discourse,
cohesion, coherence